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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. heh heh can I add some pictures to add to the evidence
  2. you cant tell the difference between engagments. Hope is british (big thing in my books) wheel is stiffer and a lot stronger as its dishless wheel is easier to build as it uses the same length spokes on the drive and non drive side. engagment feels stiffer than a king VERY reliable (had mine for months now without any skips) AMAZING customer service, really quick too. Cheaper
  3. yo pat.... My phone is 01422 843620, thats my home I have no idea what my mobile is and thats in my car anyway, I dont often have it with me. Addingham then aye? I have been out riding all day today, but I recken I have enough strength to ride tomorrow too:)
  4. Ali C

    New Frame

    please god dont get a ninja!!!!!!!!! They ahve gotta have the worst geo ever!! I would rather ride a jump bike.
  5. wouldnt count in my eyes, look at it this way, if it was in a comp, you would have to get over it fully, so jumping back off would class as failing in my eyes.
  6. wikid stuff pipe man!! You can definatly see how the motorbiking effecting your mtb style. Really impressed with the stuff you can do, some biiig seps and nice technical stuff. I have all the parts for my bike now, if I can get it running (wanna help? ) then you fancy going to flappits or somthing?
  7. I agree middleburn may not warrenty your cranks, but I believe they could sell you new arms for cheap.
  8. I love Chris Akriggs riding, its like art on wheels
  9. hey pat if you decide on somwhere let me know and I'll see if I can join you (ps, shipleys better )
  10. MAGNETS!!!! you heard it here first guys
  11. Ali C

    Wright Pads

    f**king hell iolo, your nearly as pissed as when I covered your car in mud and shoved m&ms in your stearing colum, gears, heater etc. I have a friend who seems simular to pete, really nice guy totally harmless but sometimes the things that come out of his mouth dont make much sence. petes cool, his name even sounds like a type of ground found up on the moors, now that cant be bad.
  12. yeah, I think your right about sat wayne
  13. dont forget iolo probably got some wine gums on or somthing the cheapskate
  14. I would love to come, I have only been to porthcawl once and even though it was wet and windy I thought it was ace!! Again, shame its so far, I am gonna try and persuade maybe iolo or wad to go, but its pretty short notice. what day are you riding there anyway Ben?
  15. I made one, it was a beast!!! I went to my local plumbing store and bought lots of drainage pipes (it ended up quite exspensive). this is how it ended up looking I had a scew top to the gas chamber, I used butane from a blowtorch as fuel so I had to fill it up and screw the top on quickley. I used the electronic ignition from a lighter to make a spark, I wired it up to two spokes that peireced eitherside of the gas chamber and stopped 1mm apart, it made a good spark. I used tennis balls as ammo as the barrel of the gun was pretty large, I put two spokes in an X patern near the gas chamber end to stop the ball from going too far. now then, the importnant bit! ITS VERY DANGEROUS!!! this one I made nearly killed Iolo, I didnt use strong enough glue on the joins and the whole thing blew up!!! It really winded Iolo (fired the ball bloody far though!!!) I recken a steel virsion of mine all welded up would be ace!!!
  16. Ali C

    potatoe gun.jpg

    From the album: Ali C's

  17. very good show sir, jolly well done indeed old chap. big riding, needs more natural though and shame about the bike
  18. as far as mechs go, I am very pleased with my sram x4 (or somthing like that) I have shortened the cage and its mint!! its mostly steel, so pretty strong, but not too heavy either
  19. carbon internal gears twin disks tubless internal hoses better forks I all think those will become more common
  20. pah, I used a 118mm bb with my control, that was with tensile cranks and 18 tooth bash, there was plenty of room.
  21. pardon?? anyway, it does look interesting, not the prettiest thing ever (but the hayes el camio and formula oro are both butt ugly too) I like the vented disk, I recken it would be good for trials as it would be harder to bend, shame it only comes in 205mm though. I cant really see it being any better than the mono trials, but it would be sweet if that lever can be swapped over to make use of the comfy lever and bite adjust.
  22. Pat the milf man hahahahahaha CLASS!!!
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