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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. might not be worth it for everyday riders, but if your at the worlds against a whole load of like minded people, if you can get an edge over them, then it can be worth saving weight, maybe not to get you an extra inch but to keep you going for for 20 more seconds in a section, that can be invaluable!
  2. not me (even though I havnt ridden street for maybe two months ) but when I do!!! WHAM BAM THANK YOU MAM bmx style here I come try!! back to the point though....sometimes I see a baginner learning and I will get impatient, but then I think how hard it actually is and we all had to learn at some point. I see vids of mint skaters, but pretty much all the skaters I see fall off on every move, therefore I deem skating to be actually rather hard and I have loads of respect to the top boys. I think we make trials riding look too easy, so if you want respect....fall off infront of people
  3. they will basicly turn into scooters (pythons) I hate developments I have gone backwards, big bash, cable brakes front and rear, shortish bike with high bars, gears, narrowish rims.............thats how a bike should be no need to change
  4. maaaan these conspiracy theorys are as good as the plot in metal gear solid 2! I do think the goverment is hiding somthing, or maybe the goverment are just pawns, there could be a higher secret organisation that controls what mr bush does! perhaps they also shot JFK? hmmmm, sounding a lot like metal gear solid actually. I might go live in a cave on an island somwhere, then I wont have to worry about any goverments or rules again
  5. "good things come to those who wait" (meaning stick with the stock, it may be a bit harder, but it pays off in the future)
  6. be aware that a kid died there today or yesterday (fell off a 70ft cliff) while doing a motorbike trial (odd on a friday, but thats what the radio said) hopfully there wont be any problems, but I thought I may warn you in case there's restrictions. I might come up, what time are you thinking of going? if it is shut then I miiiiiight show you my secrete quarry (not the one in my trousers)
  7. Ali C


    they are indeed nice looking. get some scratches on it!
  8. Ali C

    Best Way To...

    got my avid today (shhhh) popped it on, went out riding for ten mins, no water, no hills and its bedded in REET well! uber power. my bike is now a hydraulic free zone
  9. pythons cant look good, its written in the bible!
  10. all depends on the situation
  11. get trials BIIG more money from sponsorship and more chances of making a living from trials.
  12. the young ones bottom red dwarf FATHER TED mythbusters black adder league of gentlemen
  13. its a big solid lump of alloy, its never gonna be light I guess its not steel though.
  14. why wait till your better? get out there and do them now, you will learn quicker trust me!
  15. whooop, cool pics I saw you sculking around the comp taking secret photos nice to see them
  16. I think generally you should count it from when you actually started doing trials, I had bikes before I did trials, but I got my first trials bike a year after starting trials.
  17. I always judge it from my first comp...winter 1999.
  18. ashtons have a long reach though, same as a long control I beleive, so it shouldnt feel any shorter than a python unless it had a really short stem on (or it was an older model) Also, if your used to a bike that only likes to be on the rear wheel, the ashton will feel harder as its not just a one move wonder bike. DAAAAVE I dare you to put some sus forks on that adamant also, sorry to Ben, I always seem to be digging at adamants and your always defending them, I feel if you can ride them like Ben or damon then its ok to have one;)
  19. mods are easier, but stocks are waaaaaaaaaaaay more stisfying
  20. now thats even more confusing they are the worst riding frame I have ridden alongside pythons
  21. Ali C

    Tra Pictures

    very good!! you need a halo in some of them, they just look heavenly
  22. not sure I would call it a trend. Would be interesting to see if post mounts are stronger than international standard, maybe is could be a practical soloution to tabs snapping off the rear of frames?
  23. tempted, but am asking other sources first
  24. sorry all the high bb lovers out there, but I just will never uderstand your love of them
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