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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. Ali C

    I Pod Trouble

    yo, when I was in Singapore I got myself an i pod nano for cheap. I got home and plugged it into my computer, it seemed I needed the lastest i tunes for it to work, so I have installed that. The problem is that I cant get any responce from my computer or nano when its pluged in I have also just seen a sticker on the cd it came with saying "install software before connecting i pod" .......please dont tell me I have f**ked it before even using it!!! any help would be great.
  2. mine lasted about 10 months untill they cracked near the steerer. I am on a mission, going fishin, catching chicken, fingerlickin to find/ make some decent trials forks.
  3. not a great looking bike, but if it works it works
  4. cool stuff, Burnley is one of the best places I have been for street! Give us a pm when your riding there again, its onlt 20 mins from me
  5. 18-18 a "rideable gear ratio"??
  6. I agree with iolo, they are both discustingly awfull riding frames, but the......actually, I hated the ride of them both equally! I would rather ride a wheelbarrow than either of those frames! They are so bad I would rather shove wasps up my arse than ride them! GOD I HATE THEM......BAD ahem
  7. iolo pads! I wouldnt use anything else
  8. maggies are ok good points: can be powerful brake will feel the same no matter how much the hose gets wrapped up more frames with 4 bolt mounts Bad points bad quality non adjustable spring tension spairs harder to find (say if the hose bursts out riding) bleading harder than fitting a new cable harder to set up pads wobble and wear uneavenly I am deffo a vee person, dont lecture me about maggies being more powerful, I won a world round using a vee when everyone else was on maggies! Good points: more powerful (especially backwards!) adjustable spring tension lighter pads dont wobble cables are easire to replace GREAT quality (ultimates) more spairs available (all bikeshops have cables) more adjustability bad points cables bind when bent lots not as many frames with vee mounts
  9. just got my avid ultimate levers............DEFFO WORTH IT, sooooooo nice, your finger sits in the bend like a vice and they are silky smooth, also made my brakes better. (ps, also get some shimano xtr gear cable, has to be the 5mm stuff! even better than nokon!!!)
  10. Ali C

    World Round 4

    cheers guys! the singapore comp was easy enough section wise, but SOOOOO hot!!! hottest Danny or I have ever ridden in, it made it quite hard (though danny still did very well) Japan was much cooler, but I was still sweating buckets! the sections were all pretty easy (apart from the hill section) but I rode like a blind muppet and dropped farrrrr too many dabs. still, very happy with third overall, and well dont to ben, lois, danny and tom for their good results too! Al (singapore airport)
  11. I dont like riding halifax, not enough decent places and too much riding in between.... Hebden or todmorden is better.
  12. pretty good conssidering how long you have been riding and that nasty NASTY frame.
  13. hahaha, you should see my bike, I dont think any of the tubes are round any more just ride it, possibly just keep an eye on it for cracks, but it would have to be a mighty big dent to cause a crack at all.
  14. I am working on dual compound pads I saw these pads in czech, I even picked them up and chewed them! seemed tastey
  15. I am un-familular with this word.....shave
  16. get an ashton!! they are championship winning frames high bb bikes feel good on the back wheel but not so good for actually riding.
  17. running two freelwheels isnt the same as a freecoaster hub. a freecoaster allows you to ride backwards without pedaling, two freewheels would just half your engagment points. I think that tensile freewheel would fit on your hub (same threads anyway) but I get a little confused as to which way the tensile lockring screws on, one way is better for on the cranks and the other is better for hubs if I am correct, but I cant remember which (or if it even matters) What size cogs are you using now? snail cams are very good, they are snail shaped (obviously) the hub axle goes though a hole and the outer edge pushes against a bolt (usually screwed through the frame just behind the dropouts) as you turn the cam, the distance between the center and outer edge gets bigger pushing the wheel back. Snailcams have been out since the dawn of time, motorbikes used them, then monty started using them on their frames decades ago. why have you got the seal upsidedown in your headset? I guess if it doesnt rock and still spins then its ok, but it will let water and grit inside and the bearings will go crap quickly. frames do flex, thats why there are boosters around, give it a try, should make the brake better too. (ps, I thought JT's answers were perfectly good)
  18. saw that in spain and france....I like it its very different. Seems a shame to ride it, it needs hanging up in your house really
  19. Ali C

    Biketrial In Japan

    "If you plan to ride in competitions then there is only one choice, hydraulic brakes. The reasons are these while V brakes offer a great deal of power they just cannot compare to the power and sensitivity of a hydraulic brake." I beg to differ
  20. yeah, not sure drilling the cranks is worth it unless your under 10. Also your not allowed bash rings in biu comps on mods needs some carbon holes, that would be super light
  21. gotta love the moment in independence day when the big ship blows up the tall building. the matrix lobby scene is also neat
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