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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. Ali C

    A Big Thanks!

    we're not worthy! we're not worthy!
  2. might be cos the frames are one of the strongest out there and you can thrash the hell out of them?... or maybe because they ride really nicley and you can thrash it around and have fun?
  3. we can agree with things that aint bb hight related
  4. I noticed the extra stiffness of the cnc backings.
  5. Ali C

    Pro 2 Hubs

    the pro 2 t has a shorter freehub body, dishless flange and uses bolts instead of a qr
  6. its all in the head!!!!! tell yourself you can tap and you will!
  7. nice one chris not sure how long it will last with your taps and gaps though
  8. black pads are awesome jt!!! on an annodised rim though
  9. chrome with a grind = no more chrome surly?
  10. cheap compared with downhill or anything motorbikes. (imagine a downhill bike or motorbike for £400!!!)
  11. if your gonna use tar, then you may as well use black pads.... instead of using tar, lighty melt the top layer of pad on a hot flat surface, it makes them tacky like tar, but still works in the wet. or grind your rim and get some heatsinks, iolo pads, plaz etc
  12. noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo *breath* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  13. I think I can do about 8.5ft static and 10 ft pedaling
  14. Ali C

    Bt Raven 7.0

    I feel it would look SOOOOOOO much better if the top tube was straight! Otherwise it all seems good I much prefer this geo and the dropouts look neat
  15. I tried some plaz pads on a steel rotor....they were the grabbiest (and loudest) pads I have used...almost uncontrolable! BUT, get a drop of water on the disk and the brake doesnt work, AT ALL! You can pull the lever as hard as poss, but its as if the brake has been disconnected. The pads dont last long either, and as spongy as brain!! any thoughts on a chrome plated rotor? proper smooth then
  16. the BIG N W is officially rhyl, llundadidno, bangor and lake ogwin, any thurther south and its just wales
  17. going to surry on sat would have been good to have had a burnley ride and then go to interact and watch some bmx
  18. grrrrrr why did it have to be this sat I am off to surry for the final brit round, otherwise I would come and watch good luck
  19. the new one is ugly, but the geo sounds better
  20. believe it or not, there more to a bike than how good it is on the rear wheel
  21. if you cut the rubber to a VERY good fit in the backings then you can get away with little glue, or even no glue at all some times! so, actually making the pad can work, but wether the material works you'll have to find out.
  22. can I come??????????????????????????????????
  23. if you must use a smooth rim, instead of using tar, you can slightly soften the pad by pushing it against a hot flat surface....it makes the pad slightly tacky and works mint on a smooth rim, even in water (but forget it when theres mud involved)
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