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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. not too sure about on a smooth rim, I am using yellows on my 24" bmx, but thats on annodised rims, they work as well as my disk!!! not so sure they will be great in thee wet. get in touch with iolo about buying some
  2. I make and test brake pads for iolo, we are now on the 8th compound, we have found two that work REALY well so you might be able to buy them soon.
  3. Ali C

    Proto V2

    ok, so its ugly as sin and has crap geo, not for Ali thanks
  4. doesnt look like it slid very far for 300mph unless the pic is cropped. I thought he was testing the car for top gear or somthing, I didnt realise he was proper going for it!
  5. hopfully I can show pics of my new bike this weekend (not trials) its beutiful and one of a kind thats for sure!!
  6. Ali C


    cheers The other thing about that instance in the club was that because I was just sitting there looking at the lights and smoke people thought I was unhappy and kept on asking me to dance, but I was pretty happy just staring at the pretty lights. Ther is another kid near me who has aspergers and was into dh, he is now into trials and we sometimes go riding. he has it a little bit more than me, so he can say some funny things, but I have loads of patience for him and I can relate to how he feels with school and life in general.
  7. Ali C


    lol, I was in a club in singapore, everyone was bothered about all the women, drinking and dancing going on but all I was interested in was the lights and smoke
  8. I aint TOTALLY against mods just dont see much point in riding them unless your a kid thats all anyway, I recken it would be a lot better looking if the toptube was straight instead of bent like it is.
  9. whoop, pats the maan!! Looking good, I guess you wern't lying when you said you were going to practice lots some really nice pics too! came out just right
  10. dont like the bent top tube area
  11. "Ali C" I called myself when I came on tf, now everyone calls me it. "stuntman C" chris walker called me it cos I was doing stunts I presume "caveman" cos I always look scruffy and have a beard "stupid" seems everyone calls me that.
  12. Ali C


    I'll do my best
  13. best pads ever to grace the earth!!! though I call them by another name broke it yet mike??
  14. it seperates the pedaling forces from effecting the suspension.
  15. Ali C


    I got diagnosed at 16, things have been a lot happier since then. I have been to a few places for people with autism, but they were on another level, its good that people are beginning to understand their behavier though, god know what happened to people with autism in the 1800s or so
  16. Ali C


    not sure if you have it in Sweeden, but in the uk every baby has vaccinations for 3 things (I cant remember what they are for or what the 3 injections are called) but there was a bit of an uproar years ago of parents accusing these injections of giving kids autism...... I have a brother and sister and neither of them had these injections and neither of them have any type of autism, but I did have them and I do have problems, so who knows what heppend there. It can be passed from parents too I think, my dad was never diagnosed with it (they never knew it existed when he was young I dont think) but I am sure he has it, he is obsessed with wood, the entire house is full of it, I cant get in the bath cos theres wood in there!!! Another thing I have noticed is that I also seem to have very sensitive taste, I cant eat mints cos they are too hot, so thats all spicy food out. Also about what trials punk said about the guy and driving, that is very true with aspergers, if everything is going to plan and you know whats going to happen, then your happy as larry, but if somthing goes wrong, instead of thinking ways back on plan, people with aspergers just panic!! Thats why I only learned to drive last year and even now (at 22) I wont drive anywhere I dont really know.
  17. Ali C


    I have aspergers syndrome, only mildly though, most people I meet dont know I have it. I used to be very quiet, a recluse at school (only went to high school for 2 years) I found it pretty hard to make friends, especially at high school and I couldnt ask a stranger anything (like asking a waiter for a drink, or asking someone directions somwhere, even if I wanted somthing REALLY badly I couldnt cope with going and asking for it). I find working life hard, I have never had a proper job and I cant imagine me ever having one if I am honest, I just cant cope. even now I never go out in the evenings, I cant cope with going to the pup or nightclub, so I sit in and watch tv or go on the computer every night. Also one reason I have never had a girlfriend, not going out and meeting them plus I dont really understand complex friendships like that. I used to be really obsessive about wildlife, I could have told you a fact about nearly every animal, but that was years ago and now my obsession is bikes. I dont have any friends outside biking. I am a lot better now, years ago I would never had dared get on the bus and go to the next town, but now I can fly across the world (with a lot of pre planning help from parents) just thought you might like to know what aspergers was like from someone who has it.
  18. brings back some good memories I liked the one wher you had mirrord it at the cliff riding place, the one of scott doing an endo with an exploding ass and the one of you riding the fort section in the woods.
  19. Ali C


    actually, a few people have pics of me on mods!!!! some deng ones as well! I hope to god they never get shown
  20. I dont mind gears to be honest, I always have them on comps or no comps as I find them useful.
  21. Ali C


    fugly and heavy. to be honest, the only mods that I have actually liked the ride of are montys, they just seem right to me
  22. Ali C


    When ever I see a deng frame, all I think about are tgs street riders wanting to be the next craig. Everyone seems to have the same frames, do the same riding with the same music in their vids. I also hate the geo of both the python (worst riding bike I have EVER been on!) and the gu (possibly 2nd worst riding bike ever)
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