not sure if you have it in Sweeden, but in the uk every baby has vaccinations for 3 things (I cant remember what they are for or what the 3 injections are called) but there was a bit of an uproar years ago of parents accusing these injections of giving kids autism...... I have a brother and sister and neither of them had these injections and neither of them have any type of autism, but I did have them and I do have problems, so who knows what heppend there. It can be passed from parents too I think, my dad was never diagnosed with it (they never knew it existed when he was young I dont think) but I am sure he has it, he is obsessed with wood, the entire house is full of it, I cant get in the bath cos theres wood in there!!! Another thing I have noticed is that I also seem to have very sensitive taste, I cant eat mints cos they are too hot, so thats all spicy food out. Also about what trials punk said about the guy and driving, that is very true with aspergers, if everything is going to plan and you know whats going to happen, then your happy as larry, but if somthing goes wrong, instead of thinking ways back on plan, people with aspergers just panic!! Thats why I only learned to drive last year and even now (at 22) I wont drive anywhere I dont really know.