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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. theres a good boy, ooo wuvs uuuuuuu, weee wuv uuuuuuu ooo nice one joe
  2. looks soooooo nasty when people do that, but it works
  3. they are not gay, both sexes have the external peni style organs I want so see rims with some more thought put into them (the new echo rims seems cool) but rims made to suite tubless tyres or even trials specific tubless tyres, now that would be cool! Also, while we're on about trials rims, so sort of progression on ceramic rims would be nice. disk brakes can be improved a LOT, smaller fatter rotors with a reduced ratio (imagine moto trials) could be tested (might be crap for biketrials, but its worth trying) pad compounds can allways be improved on. as for deng hating, I dont hate him or his products, but all these tgs kids who ride the same bikes doing the same thing gets on my goat. Would there still be that style of kid if deng wasnt around? what would english riding be like? I think its an interesting thought. anyway, I cant hate deng too much as I do use two of his parts lol
  4. I clicked two days ago, it was sooo weird, one day I could only sidehop to front wheel and the next I was tucking like a pro! previously my sidehops were around 43-45" today I went and did 47" with my new found technique. I find it quite hard to explain, I am on the rear setting up as normal, but I seem to be preloading more and I think I keep my weight further forward in the preload rather than sitting on the rear wheel as I was before. In the air it seems all my concentration is on my rear wheel (even to the point of my front wheel barly making it on), its as if I am trying to sit on my right heal (going to the left)and float the bike up sideways. my head and shoulders seem to automaticly turn to the left so I am looking where I am going, this makes me turn the bars too and gets that bit extra balence when tucked to the side of the bike. It kinda feels like I am dirt jumping and doing a lookback or somthing, its totally different to going to front wheel.
  5. isnt the weight difference around 20 grams or so? I am pretty paranoid about what chains I use, I will only use the 8spd kool.
  6. yeah, like dave said, they damage too easily and the bearings arnt replacable, they are rather tall too.
  7. FSA orbit xl 2 gets my vote.
  8. are these the ones steve from singapore was using pat?
  9. me n porter shall be the ashton team mbk team? I cant wait
  10. if its anything like the last one it should be a MINT comp!! comeon everyone, get your ass there!
  11. looking good Shrimp and yes they do ride nicley
  12. if I had a high bb bike I wouldnt float over the natural, I would fall off onto it and get cut/muddy/grazed and never make it to the street
  13. I agree, hansventures are great, I naver pinched mine but I also got thorn ones (you should have seen the buggers!! probably special spanish anti bike plants or somthing, they were hardcore!!) edit... high bb will give you more pinches
  14. tubless would be the answer and why not the dual ply maxxis? the thicker sidewall give the tyre a good feel, nice and bouncy.
  15. Ali C

    Addictive Food

    skips crisps hot cross buns cadburys milk chocolate (eating some now) pancakes (with sugar and lemon juice) pork crackling (or any fat for that matter) tesco value strawberry yhogurt JAM DOHNUTS!!!!
  16. my front tyre choices any maxxis singleply sticky compound kenda blue groove 2.1" stick e try all I am not a fan of the el gato, they are heavy and not very grippy in my expirience.
  17. I guess I am kinda lucky, I started riding years before trials got really popular, so I had a headstart into getting good, I would like to think I am well known, but how I got well known I dont really know.
  18. I use them (under another name though) and they are the best pads ever!!
  19. I got sponsored years before I made any vids. Just ride, have fun, if your patient and become a good rider with a good personality then you will become well known, once you have a reputation and or comp results as well, you can ask around or in some cases people will ask you. and dont get a high bb bike (that ones for you mike )
  20. old family secrete I am afraid
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