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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. I had a bmx and I found 20" wheels too small. yeah, your right ben, there is bb rise
  2. nice one chris!!! and yes, that wall is massive, I cant get close to doing it
  3. I cant get on with heavy gears on bmxs at all!! I am running 26-16 and that seems pretty nice, if a little hard at times. (I have 24" wheels so an easier gear is also needed compared with 20")
  4. cheap, replacable bearings, split crown race for easy fitting, its not the best looking, but they work
  5. cool maan!! I will try my hardest to go!
  6. Ali C

    Brake Help

    I have two spair lever blades from when I had a marta if your interested?
  7. just to add some confusion, check out spank rims (wiggle do them). They aint cheap, but I got mine today and I am well impressed! 40mm wide, 720g, possibly the siffest rim out, nice hard alloy, deep profile so no flat spots and they come in 24"
  8. the hones are fine, but I wouldnt have them on my trials bike, cant get a cog any smaller than 22 tooth and 4 bolt bashes are massive!!! I wouldnt expect any vids soon, I am SHIT at bmx!! I seriously cant ride ramps to save my life I need to practise. thanks for the nice comments
  9. I used to be a tart with how my bike looked, then I realised I scratch them up really quicly so I dont bother now
  10. more dangerous!!!!! I think not I was at shipley glen yesterday and did a gap from one cliff to the other with a 30ft drob beneath!! Also theres a sidehop up a rock with a 20ft drop straight ahaead of you, so if you drop the front wheel, you f**ked. Anyone guess I like natural more?
  11. a well set up vee will kick ass over any well set up magura!!! Its just people have it set in their heads that vees are rugbish and wont take the step to try them. But then again, my idea of a mint brake can (and probably is) different to other peoples.....I like a brake that can be modulated when going forwards, loads of bite is crap for manuals and riding smooth in general (barr stan) but a mint brake MUST hold backwards, thats where a vee kicks ass over a magura, you just CANT make them slip backwards!! where you need the most power.
  12. joe I am taller than you and they dont look like pebbles to me Glad to hear about the new members and most people enjoying themselves I'll be at the next one
  13. I used to ride a monty with a vee adaptor, the cable cleared, not by much but it worked fine.... I presume it would work, you can always buy caliper was longer arms (unless you have a fave brake)
  14. you WILL need longer forks, otherwise you bike will ride horribly!! Theres a fair few forks that you could use though, dmr, charge, surly, identiti....they all make longer forks with disk mounts....they are heavy though, but still a LOAD lighter than your sus forks. Also, the front rim sounds fine, most rider run wider rims up front than 25mm, but rynos are pretty good rims, if you really wanted to shave weight try drilling holes between the spokes. Ditch the tyre though, choose what you want tyre wise, but maxxis single ply, kenda stick-e and try-all front tyres are popular.
  15. Ali C


    just found a copy of mbuk from 94!! it must have been my brothers. lets just say, theres a lot more trials in mbuk now then there was then!! I just realised too, I have had a subcription to mbuk for 8 years now and my brother was buying them for 4 years or so before that! I think its better than ever.
  16. I think it weighs around 26lbs (guesstamate) its not much heavier than my trials bike anyway
  17. dont like sus, its just more to go wrong and I like the feel of rigids ta though
  18. I FINALLY finnished my street/bmx/dirt jump/ trials bike mk2 It rolls on 24" wheels and was origionally a diamondback lucky 24 cruiser (bought off leedstrials) I thought the rear seatstays were pretty ugly so I hacked them off and got iolo to weld on some new ones and also improve tyre clearence. I also made the dropouts smaller and lighter and cut the seat tube clamp area down and now use two bolts on the seat tube to clamp the seat (they need cutting down) it works really well. it rides really nicley, manuals like a bitch!!! I did a death grip manual for nearly 100 meters on my 2nd attempt. it also bunnyhops really well (maybe too well! I keep on looping out lol) I have got shimano hone cranks on, shimano dx bmx hubs front and rear and dx v brakes, an old school x-lite fly stem with a gusset open prison 3" rise steel bars (REALLY NICE) the seat is an sdg I beam affair and I stand on atomlab pedals. heres some pics: BEFORE: AFTER: let me know what you think
  19. I decided not to go as its a bit far and I wanted to meet up with friends and have a training session at the glen. I'll most likley be there for the next one though. ps, any results yet?
  20. Ali C


    I like mbuk, it had my name in it once anyway, mbuk got me into trials, chainspotting and all that, it was good
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