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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. me likes needs a vee mount though
  2. I was bored, well done kfc you are officially the first person I have ever used the report button on.
  3. on my 24" I have 26-16 its a bit too spinny for full on bmx/dirt jump and a bit too hard for proper trials, but at least I can do both.
  4. I bet you any amount of money my vee has more hold than any maggie out
  5. you obviously havnt tried a good rear vee then.
  6. the left side cup is normal thread, the right hand cup is reverse. make sure your turning them the right way.
  7. I'm there, shame my printer doesnt work though, etry on the day? ok?
  8. Blackstone edge Back cowm quarry Addingham moorside shipley glen Porthcawl they are all worth a visit
  9. true, I'll ask....I bet they are stupidly exspensive though!
  10. both brakes can be good, but they have different charactistics. A maggie seems to have more bite, they pull the same no matter how much the cable is restricted and there are more frames to suit them. They dont seem to have as much hold as a v brake, the spring tension is non adjustable (used to give me super bad arm pump) spairs are harder to get and they are harder to set up. A vee has bite, but not the same as a maggie, they are quiet and it takes a fraction longer to lock (I mean a FRACTION!), this suites me as it means I can ride smooth and manual and stuff. However, they are IMMENSE backwards (where it matters most in my eyes) I find it vrey hard to make my brake slip backwards The springs are adjustable, the power and lever feel is adjustable, the pads dont wobble so they last longer and dont wear uneavenly. They are super easy to setup and you can buy spairs in any bikeshop in the world. shame there are not more frames with vee mounts.
  11. spank bikes there you go.....they also do a magnesium version that weighs under 500g, could be good for the front (I am going to use one when I can find somwhere that does it) Oh, hopfully some new vids soon
  12. just get a normal pad and slightly melt it on a hot flat surface, that makes them tacky and workds on a smooth rim
  13. awesome dude! they are really nice frames I wouldnt totally rule out the new echo rims, the last ones were pure tripe, but the new ones are pretty cool, if a little heavy though.
  14. not as strong as a spank ...or new echo probs
  15. not as bomb proof as a spank rim!
  16. is it hitting both sides? if not then spacing the bb in the frame will solve it. And I also agree with a 14 tooth in the rear
  17. spank oobah stiffy rim, ownes all those you said.....only downer is its not as wide as the wide rims (40mm)
  18. looks mint, also looked like you were riding pretty well to have gotten over some of that stuff, they look hard. I am there next year
  19. Ali C

    Oh Noes

    nooo, not the pure those were awesome frames! Please dont be put off by a vee!! I seriously think my vee owns every maggy out there plus its quiet. my control 1065 was the closest thing to my old pure.
  20. ash is 13 and wasnt in the comp, he was buisy fighting the guy in the inflated maxim (or whatever) suit. I had an awesome time, I am knackered now though! The sections were super tough, shame we couldnt practise on any of the obstacles, but I wont complain after all the hard work that went into making the show a sucsess. The speed trials was amazing! So exciting, my nerves were shot. I am pretty happy to have beaten savage in one race though were you the lad that won the helmet but then got it stolen off you in the crowd? That totally sucked ass! I wish I had seen it happen so I could had a "talk" with the person who stole it. I hope you like your t shirts anyway.
  21. my new fave rim is the Spank ooobah stiffy rim. 40 mm wide, hard alloy, patented stuff which means its the stiffest rim out or somthing, its also 25mm deep which should reduce flat spots.
  22. got home now. I am KNACKERED!!! 7 Hours driving I think. show was good, got money and scribbled on people clothes (which is cool) and I got to go back stage with the fit lasses from the fashion show I will chat more when I am not asleep.
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