both brakes can be good, but they have different charactistics. A maggie seems to have more bite, they pull the same no matter how much the cable is restricted and there are more frames to suit them. They dont seem to have as much hold as a v brake, the spring tension is non adjustable (used to give me super bad arm pump) spairs are harder to get and they are harder to set up. A vee has bite, but not the same as a maggie, they are quiet and it takes a fraction longer to lock (I mean a FRACTION!), this suites me as it means I can ride smooth and manual and stuff. However, they are IMMENSE backwards (where it matters most in my eyes) I find it vrey hard to make my brake slip backwards The springs are adjustable, the power and lever feel is adjustable, the pads dont wobble so they last longer and dont wear uneavenly. They are super easy to setup and you can buy spairs in any bikeshop in the world. shame there are not more frames with vee mounts.