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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. When I had high bb my comp results took a turn for the worse, theres more to a comp than rear wheel control, and high bb sucks for everything except that. The pure looks VERY nice, would be fine for comps.
  2. hmm, not too sure about the king being stronger...... snapped many axles, snapped flanges and even snapped the freehub body in half. broke one bearing in my hope, thats it.
  3. cant think of any secrets unfortunatley. Just put up with them and once you have been riding a long time they will harden and stop hurting.
  4. both good hubs, I have both kings and hopes and I was happy with either. However, both have good and bad points.... I found kings to sometimes be unreliable, mine could skip a whole rotation and that was always in the back of my mind when doing gaps and stuff. Also the axles snap, so you have to fork out yet more money on a hd axle. I also snapped the flange on my king. But they are REALLY nice when they work, and they are fairly light. Hopes I like....I have two and have never had a problem with either, they dont skip, they havnt cracked or anything. I find my hopes more reliable, stiffer, they have a more positive engagment than kings I feel. It seems people who have cracked the shells have either had a bad batch or had their spokes too tight. But as I said, both good hubs, but I choose to use hopes.
  5. I use a friction shifter, its great as its non indexed so you can fine tune where it goes and get the gears running smoothly, even with a bent hanger. I am using a 9spd xtr mech, any would do. The cassette was the problem area as I think the pro 2 is meant for 9spd spacing, so getting an 8 spd spaced cassette on was difficult......I raided my bikeshops parts bin and found a 7spd cassette which had removable pins, I chose the cogs I wanted and bolted it back together, it works very well.
  6. unlucky I really hate high bb bikes just exspensive pogo sticks
  7. shame they ride REALLY badly, give me the giant anyday!!!
  8. ahh, I have ridden a zenith and yes your right, it was nice
  9. its the only highish bb frame out that I actually like...given the right setup though.
  10. awsome!! BIG thanks to Dave butler for organising them this year!! Also thanks to all the observers and people who helped in any way (like patt) I thought the sections were cool, the difficulty was pretty good, I got though all the sections at least once and had a good few cleans too, so no complaints there. I am happy enough with 3rd. You rode well though Dan! two clean laps, dam impressive I really like the ymsa comps though, they are soo relaxed and chilled, its just like riding with friends but you could get a trophy and prize money at the end of the day. Ali C thumbs up
  11. narr, mods are fine. I could have worded the bold bit a wee bit better. What I mean is frames with low bbs are in no means bad on the backwheel, I was (am) a bit shocked that people would think only high bb frames are good on the rear (their only advantage?).
  12. BIG note to everyone who rides trials!!!!!! YOU DO NOT NEED A HIGH BB TO BE GOOD ON THE REAR WHEEL!!!! high bb frames are easier on the rear though, but low bb bikes have never been hard to keep on the rear.
  13. you serious????????? I dam well hope not!!!!!!!!!!
  14. I have two, one I left standard one got a clean out and a dose of finnishline. the standard one has NEVER skipped, but the finnishline one has about 5 times
  15. thats what mine end up looking like, its kinda hard to see from this pic, but you get the idea.
  16. I just use a sharp knife takes about 2 mins, but they are not as complex as molded pads.
  17. built some of them at work, they are the 2nd stiffest rims I have ever felt (spank being 1st) seem prtty good.
  18. are you sure you want a 2.5"? just with a narrowish rim like a dv you may get a load of tyre fold unless you run high pressure. not saying you should get a 2.3", but have a think about it.
  19. Ali C

    The Truman Show

    not out int country side your not. I have seen the film, not sure if I saw it all as I got a bit bored, seen the ending anyway......seems like a good enough film, but I cant take any film with jim carrey in seriously, so the idea of being watched never enterd my head.
  20. Ali C

    Gear Ratio's

    I ran 20-19 for ages, but I am now on 20-18 and its pretty sweet, though I think 20-17.5 would be perfect
  21. cheers guys, nothing like nice comments to make you feel good
  22. I should wear glasses, especially for driving. I REALLY hate them though, so I never wear them, there is NO way I could ever ride with glasses, I always feel I am going to fall off and smash the glass into my eyes.
  23. cheers for filming, editing and putting it up craig Jobs a good'un Thanks for the replys too
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