both good hubs, I have both kings and hopes and I was happy with either. However, both have good and bad points.... I found kings to sometimes be unreliable, mine could skip a whole rotation and that was always in the back of my mind when doing gaps and stuff. Also the axles snap, so you have to fork out yet more money on a hd axle. I also snapped the flange on my king. But they are REALLY nice when they work, and they are fairly light. Hopes I like....I have two and have never had a problem with either, they dont skip, they havnt cracked or anything. I find my hopes more reliable, stiffer, they have a more positive engagment than kings I feel. It seems people who have cracked the shells have either had a bad batch or had their spokes too tight. But as I said, both good hubs, but I choose to use hopes.