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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. the avid bb7 is very good! best disk out for trials I think. They dont come with cable or lever though, so you have to buy those seperatly. PS get a vee!!!
  2. I have had 3 or 4 hopes, I have been dissapointed with them all! dont like how they feel, they would randomly stop working, the pads would get contaminated if they were in the same room as oil and they get cooked easily. Avids on the other hand are more powerful, easier to set up, nice feel, more adjustable....they just out class the hope in every way, except two.....weight and strength. I have broken a few avids, that is their biggest downfall.....still waaay better than hopes though.
  3. had a go on 3 bikes with maguras today (when I got a puncture), each rider likes how their brake works.... ....I thought they were all waaay under powered!!! I was slipping all over the place, plus they were a lot harder to pull than my vee and I got arm pump really quick. Makes me love vees even more! *editied as I said maggie instead of vee
  4. I have a different way of getting the first spokes in, I did it at tartybikes HQ and adam thought I was gone in the head it worked though.
  5. ahh, but you and damon would be beasts on any bike! Could it be that the high bb is holding him back? if he were to get a low bb bike would he really be worse off? anyway, I do like your push irons
  6. I think it looks nice with those forks (not often I say that)
  7. Ali C

    Injury Advice

    cant say I have ever twisted, sprained or damaged my ankles, knees or wrists ever (touch wood) But if I do I know where to look for help
  8. I am impressed with all the people on 26"!! I am also a 26" guy, cant see much point in 20" unless your a little kid or a dwarf
  9. avid ultimates "As far as vees go the avid's are some of the best but trust me they're not designed, or for that matter any good, as trials brakes." Avid arch rivals arnt the best brakes for trials, but any of avids other models make MINT brakes for trials. I bet you any amount of money my brake is more powerful than yours!!
  10. Ali C


    how high was that chain link fence!!!!
  11. vee brakes rock!!!! They are really good brakes, I used them to get a lot of good comp results this year (including a world champ round win!) so they cant be bad! people who say maggies just havnt tried a vee, or if they have they havnt tried a good vee. Everyone sees my bike has a vee and they automaticly think its bad, but everyone has said its nice when they tried it. so if you havnt tried a good vee, dont knock them!
  12. fatmikes material is AWESOME!!!!
  13. got some lacost or whatever its called, I got it for christmas about 5 years ago and theres still half left. I never really use aftershave......I dont shave often and I dont go out places that I need to smell nice for.
  14. horrible bikes, if you want a pogo stick then go to your local toys r us and buy one...will be a lot cheaper too.
  15. that...however big it is. dont do big drops nowerdays though, my boday cant cope in my old age
  16. I used them, I wasnt very impressed. They offer good protection, but they are dam heavy. I thought they would be really grippy too, but they were almost the slippiest shoes I have worn, they also wore through the soal in about 2 months. not good
  17. saw them a few days ago, they do look very nice indeed
  18. hahahaha, that vids awesome, what a beard!!!!!!
  19. yeah, its a flame on the seat. The rear rim is a Spank Oobah stiffy al 40 (best rim ever) the bonty tyre is pretty sweet, nice bounce, good puncture resistance and pretty grippy. V cheap as well
  20. both are good, there are advantages to both. The sram is already locked out The cable doesnt loop around the back but they are heavier The frame bolt is alloy and non replacable the cable guide around the rear is plastic and gets damaged they are ugly The shimano xtr is lighter Doesnt have a cable adjuster on the rear to snap off. the frame bolt is easily replacable you can get it in reverse pull (BIG plus in my books) better looking. But they dont come with really short arms, so you have to mod it. They hit the chainstays if not locked out and the might be a bit weaker than a sram cant go wrong with either really, but I use shimano as they come with reverse pull which I like.
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