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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. I consider weight quite important, but I am mainly a comp rider....when doing the worlds, a light bike could mean the different between winning and loosing. Its not all about going bigger, its about being able to go for longer, you dont want to be knackered 1min in a section, so a lighter bike helps that way. BUT, for comps, there are other things beside weight, you could use the lightest tires and rims, but the performance would be worse than if it weighed more but with stable rims and tyres. its all about combrimise
  2. does she see it say too dangerous? too anti social? too exspensive? What would she like you doing instead? Whats wrong with skate boarding? it seems childish of her to say your not allowed. Tell her its a great way to keep fit, not dagerous (your unlikley to get seriously injured or die), you will meet loads of great people. I always tell people who give me trouble in the streets that at least I am doing a healthy sport instead of mugging people, doing drugs and drinking every night like most teens seem to be doing nowerdays At the end of the day, its your choice, your mum cant decide what sports your going to do. My parents never hated me riding, but they would have preffered me to run (like they did) or go into gymnastics, but now I have got some good reuslts, they are really proud and everytime one of their friends comes round, they show off about me and get me to do a demo outside for them. tell your mum to grow up and let you ride.
  3. jake you milatary muscle man, cool vid (even cooler cos it had me in the background in some shots) anyway, keep up the good vids teammate
  4. use anything EXCEPT dot!!!! that will kill it I promise
  5. natrual riders can ride street or natural...street riders seem to only be able to ride street, there for natural = best
  6. there is a saying "too much of a good thing is bad" or somthing like that, I think that is apropreate to bikes too.
  7. yep, ashton and orange are indeed in partnership, however, not all orange frames are made in the uk (actually, only 8 miles from me), only the folded alu models are, all the others are from taiwan which I believe the ashton/orange frames will be too. There will be some protos made and possibly a high end comp frame next year, these might be made in the uk, but I cant promise
  8. ashton for streety street and biu comps, mbk for trials street and uci comps.
  9. air and ash are nice, trying to like bell and sebastian
  10. everyones different, I am amazed at how quickly people are learning these days though, it took me a year to get backhops sorted and I didnt even start sidehops until 3 years later!
  11. square wheels on corregated floors are pretty good actually
  12. Ali C

    White Stuff

    dont forget the salt!
  13. my bike theres some pics. Smoothness was ok, there was a slight difference at the join, but I have seen a lot worse. is possibly the best rim out, way better than a ronnie, it has held up to my gaps and drops and gap drops no probs, I think its possibly the best rim out for not flat spotting.
  14. Ali C

    Best Way To...

    for heat treatment steel needs to be glowing cherry red I beleive, normal mtb use wont change the disks properties
  15. I use one, I am VERY impressed!! same weight as a try-all rim, but undrilled. Stiffest rim out I recken, I havnt had to true it since building it last month. Its 25mm deep, so flat spots are going to be a lot harder to do. Its tough alloy, so it holds grinds well and I havnt managed to dent it yet (even when riding rocks with a puncture!) REALLY good rims
  16. Ali C

    Joe Baxter

    you suck joe!! ok, I'll open up, it was pretty cool, those sidehops onto the reails takes some skill and bravery, so biiiig respect mr team mate!
  17. but trials is cheap! well, compared with xc, jump or dh it is. I dont think carbon frames will be popular, once they get a nice scratch the frame is ruined (and show me a trials bike without scratches!!)
  18. one word, reliability.....or the lack of. I have had 4 mono trials and all have buggered up after a month or so......saying that, I have had plenty of friends with them and they have been great, but I just dont like them because of my bad sets.
  19. heh heh, I think they are fine, but vees are just nicer.....the hope on the other hand, give me anything but a hope!
  20. sorry, I find them possibly the ugliest frames out.
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