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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. ok, that was thuper! better?
  2. I am keeping out of this topic!!!......... ......oops
  3. the ashton is the most fun bike ever! They are a 73mm shell as I bought an echo external bb and it wouldnt fit. Frames are dam strong!!
  4. hope gothic, ask hope for one, they will fit an m4
  5. nice I want to try a front vee, maybe next summer. ashtons have 73mm shells and I think a 120mm head tube
  6. Ali C

    Avid Bb7 Help

    it is different, road bike brake levers pull less cable, so you need a caliper thats compatable. You could use a bmx lever if you wanted, otherwise it wont be as powerful as a normal bb7
  7. I went from a king to a hope pro 2, took an hour to get used to fewer engagments, you'll be fine
  8. dam, I was hoping the bb would go lower next time
  9. bad advise annoys me waters fine people dissing vees even though they have never tryed them. Getting kicked off places....it makes me feel bad. cold hands
  10. Ali C


    not impressed with the star letter! 1) slagging off trials at the cycle show 2) WINNING STAR LETTER FOR IT!! Nice to see what Martins up to though
  11. ahh yeah, it was on southpark wasnt it?
  12. lighter than having a short stem and big bars (AKA bmx)
  13. I think ridings better than hopping, thats one reason why I dont like mods that much. You cant help doing correction hops, but it does look mint when you land somthing and balence it straight away without hopping everywhere and looking sketchy.
  14. must admit your yabba does ride nice, but get the ashton otherwise martyn will beat me with a stick
  15. your now allowed single speed at uci compe, but from what I gather you still must use a hub that has enough room for 6 gears (so no singlespeed hubs) that mean the new mod stock wont be able to compete in any mayjor comps. You must have 6 working gears for BIU comps, but at the brits you can ride a single speed, but your result is declared void. Most small comps allow singlespeed no problems though.
  16. you need at LEAST 6 working gears, you can have any number you want over that amount.
  17. might wanna re think that one anyway, dont wait till your good, enter comps anyway, no one will laugh and by watching other people ride you get better quicker.
  18. yes, I likes!! Let me know when your next riding Dave, if its ok I would like to come and chaeck that puppy out for myself I love the cranks, they would interest my greatly for my next pair of cranks
  19. iolo bikes has officially gotten aproval from Ali C, he will soon be getting a certificate to show his customers that fact
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