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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. An hour!! man, my vee takes 5 mins to do from scrach and is more powerful than any maggie!!
  2. avid bb7 is more powerful, easier to maintain than any other brake.
  3. it is accepted as a rather nice looking bike.
  4. yes they will work. BMXs usually come with a U brake, they have two styles of pad fitting, tradtitional vee style, or post clamp. You should really use specific pads for the post clamp virsion, but a vee pad works anyway, it can mess the thread up though so you might not be able to use in on a vee after. Always worth researching though, look at your brake and then search for it on google and see what type it is. The only other point is, those maggie to vee pad adaptors take up a lot of room, if you are having trouble with space with traditional pads, then I reccomend some heatsink backings with either heatsink or joypads as the braking material.
  5. put a joking smiley next time so idiots like me understand :$
  6. I have been told a couple of times before, but I am a forgetful git! How does one aquire a UCI riding license?
  7. Ali C


    really really nice looking
  8. Ali C

    Winter Blues

    ok, its called SAD (seasonal somthing disorder) Its due to the lack of vitamin D that the sun produces, so go to your chemist and get some tablets.
  9. Arnt there some decent blue pads out Adam?
  10. pefect place to bosh a vee!
  11. whoever that Ashtonbikes guy is, I agree with him
  12. awesome, he got rid of the A1 at last That control looks very nice indeed, we need to all go riding again secret quarry sometime?
  13. weigh yourself, then weigh the bike, add them together and devide it by your wheel size (20/26) then times it by your tyre width and then take off your height and then half it again, thats how you work out the correct tyre pressure. or I could be talking bullcrap, start at 25 and add, take out whatever you feel is right for you
  14. spank undrilled! best rim out no question!! lighter than a koxx rim, stronger than an alex, hard alloy so holds grids well, 25mm deep so doesnt flat spot, patented inner wall making it the stiffest rim out!! need I say more?
  15. sorry, I really dont like bt 6.0s, too much bb rise and the toptube looks out of place, dont like white either
  16. indoor or outdoor? I am a little bit disapointed as I didnt think too much of slovacia last year, not much to do
  17. Ali C

    Avid Bb7 Help

    to see if anyone would notice
  18. Ali C

    Avid Bb7 Help

    I guess so, try it and tell us
  19. yay, someone with the same view as me
  20. Ali C

    Avid Bb7 Help

    roady and bmx levers have different pivot placments, so that means they pull less cavle, to compensae bmx, cantilever and roady brakes have different ratios too sto stop the brake feeling really spongy. If you run a roady disk with a normal lever it will feel really solid at the lever and have less power. You could run a speed dial lever in its lowest setting though.
  21. my dads a tree surgeon, so I can get as many logs as I want, I have two acres of field to put them in too, BUT they are on about a 30% gradient with no road acsess, so I cant get them up there and they would just roll down the hill anyway
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