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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. my fave place is my secret quarry, on a summers day its amazing, really peaceful and amazing to ride.
  2. my family are fairly eco friendly.....We have solar panels, grow all our own fruit and vegies and are looking into getting a windmill to get a bit more energy.
  3. my ashton scores 0 on the origional idea (though I should get points for a rear ve ) scored 18 on Kris's
  4. Ali C


    I am quite suprised its taken this long to have this style of hydroformed tubes on a trials frame, they have been used on other types of bikes for donks now. Its not that exspensive either, some new Da Bomb bikes have big welded hydroformed tubes and they are dirt cheap. This koxx does look a little more complicated than the da bombs though.
  5. took two attempts to get, but it was worth it in my books. I am very impressed with the riding, when I was 15 I was super shit, so hats off to you dude!
  6. dont make me come out there and spank you boy!!
  7. Ali C


    smeh, I am the same...one moment I like it, the next I dont. Probably gonna have some weird geo too, those graphics!! NASTY!! But its always cool to see somthing different
  8. folding tyres have a kevlar bead and can be folded away to save space, usually lighter too......Wire bead as the name sugests has a wire bead, they cant be folded and are usually heavier.
  9. the best brake I ever had was an avid on hope floating rotor, it will be fine
  10. Ali C

    Baby Names

    why would you want to know that?? eeeewwwwww
  11. its Alastair close though. Anyway, which plaz? spanich flys or crvs?
  12. Ali C


    I like my heatshrinked virsions better thinner, moulds to the shape of the lever and the end rounds off too.
  13. theres lots of things that can effect it. cable actualy brake used pads boosters A booster always helps. Look into getting some non compressional cable outers, like bmx linear cables or nokon, that makes a huge difference. Brake calipers can flex, not much can be done about that other than buying new stiffer ones (avid ultimate). Soft pads can make a brake soft, which pads have you got? Getting some decent harder ones and a grind will make the brake stiffer. I have an avid ultimate setup with shimano 6mm gear cable outer 2 boosters and my own pads, its as stiff as any magura!
  14. mine broke putting it on
  15. new hub time? the threads have stripped, dmr dont have replacable thread, they did do disk mounts like that, but not any more I dont think.
  16. thats not as old skool as when he was riding over a tank on his full sus proflex!! PROFLEX bikes, remember them? and GT RTS, I wanted one back in the day but instead got a GT avalanche.
  17. that really isnt very long at all, I have been riding 8 years now and I sill have my sketchy moments. Riding natural is possibly the best way to get bike control, it may be hard at first but it payes in the long run.
  18. when everyone had a front vee instead of disks. when hans rey would ride at the bike show irc missils or kujos were the tyres to have only montys and megamos had 31.8 bars megamo bikes bruno arnold everyone had 521 rear rims, non of these super fat modern jobbies wheelbases were never more than 1030 mods had seats 22 front chainring was the standard
  19. how long have you been riding? All I can say really is ride as much as poss, you cant rush these things, just practise and control will come.
  20. Ali C

    Koxx Days 07

    I maybe going, depends if theres any international comps on at the same time (like last year)
  21. I was cutting some pad with a REALLY sharp blade and it slipped when I had lots of force on it!!!! I thought I had got my hand but didnt feel any pain, sometimes though, the REALLY deep nasty cuts dont hurt at first. So I was checking my hand over but it seemed I missed, but that shat me up! I hate knive wounds
  22. Ali C

    Baby Names

    notheastwest (real name!!) jimmy sitcom flu gasp it thing Mr E rapture sin number 1 notice or just be common and call him Jack
  23. the units to work out pressure is measured in ducklings.
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