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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. only I am 10 stone and 22 years old. anyway, onza bars are cool, but the shape isnt for me
  2. vee frames are where its at though ps, james, check out my pm I sent you
  3. massi lock on grips, best darn grips ever and they dont slip.
  4. Ali C


    if your back wheel is hitting the wall, then you may be tapping the front wheel too high.
  5. I would rather have a t bird over both the hifi and A1...seriously!!
  6. a longer stem will make it easier on the rear wheel, but will make the front hard to pull up to start with. for bunnyhops, a short high front end is best. I dont know what stem you have on now, but if you can pop a few spacers under it, get those bars as high as poss. Also, rear sweep on bars is a godsend for bunnyhops. Also, having your brake lever set correctly can help too. Have fun
  7. you want a bmx!! after all the insults you gave that type of riding too! lol of course the ashton is top of my list, come on, join my club and be dammed for life hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha (evil laugh)
  8. you big gay bashers! If I had known you were riding I would have come in my new shiny car and avoided the parking ticket I got by riding Hebden
  9. get an ashton, the're cool
  10. my birthday on the 18th, do feb do feb do feb
  11. depending on how much you get it for then its a good buy, if you get it cheap enough you can even get a decent frame for it
  12. I have never been as confident in a hub as I am with my hope, in my eyes is is the best hub out for trials! its never skipped in the 9 months I have had it.
  13. holy low bars batman! time to be nasty I HATE hifis with a passion!! I had one and it was the worst bike I have ever had, that was with the correct bar hight too I cant imagin that riding nicley at all. BUT it is nice looking, I hope your back gets better soon too
  14. pretty smart I like them I like the cat too, looks really upset with its food
  15. thats your task, try it on a mod and report back. I see no reason why a mod should be different though.
  16. you lie! stop lieing you lier!! Why would you lie that that? maggies are good, but no matter that people say vees REALLY do kick ass at sheer holding power
  17. I was a maggie fan and the thought of running a vee was silly, but I tried Adam Reads rear vee on one of his bikes and I was blown away, it was the best brake I have ever felt!! I tried it on my bike last year, but it didnt work out (partly due to using an overwide rim for my frame/brake setup). for some reason I decided to try a vee again at the begining of summer, it was the best desicion I have made brake wise! I dont get arm pump and it allowed me to get better comp presults (3rd in the worlds and 3rd in uk), I doubt I would have done so well with a maggie. Maggies are all well and good though, theres no doubt they work, but a vee has lots more positives, more adjustable, easier to pull, more powerful (especially backwards!!), can get spairs just about anywhere and so on and so on.
  18. Ali C

    Pad Reviews

    not sure how long it will be untill the next batch needs testing, I am getting some moulds made and then I'll see about getting some difference compounds, it will just be a lot easier to teast if I dont have to cut up the proto stuff.
  19. Ali C

    Pad Reviews

    thanks for the reviews guys, though I just aut to add that the production of the yellows has finnished due to the blues having more hold and longer lifespan. Scopse, if you are unhappy with the wear rate of your yellows just give me a pm and some blues will be sent out asap free of charge.
  20. I would go, not interested in the bands or drinking, but indoor riding is always good. Just make sure theres good stuff to ride
  21. istead of thinging about the bad things, think about the good things. If you think your going to crash and hurtyourself then its more likley to happen. When I am riding, I am 100% sure I am going to get up somthing, even if its going to take a few goes, the positive attitude really helps. TRA once wrote an artical about the power of the mind, you will be suprised what it can do!
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