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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. you all have massive feet! I am an 8.5
  2. I think ridinghighuk are the spank dealers now
  3. I am a natural kinda guy. I find street quite boring, went to bristol on sunday, got bored after an hour (though we were really tired) give me a pile of rocks and I can have fun on it for years.
  4. frame looks cool, maybe too light though I think. no need for a mod frame, stocks are just plain better (unless your under 5 ft)
  5. short bikes for learning and BIU style comps long bikes for more experienced riders and UCI style comps there are exceptions to the rule though
  6. the best rims out now are Spank Oobah stiffy rims. They are the stiffest rim ever made, dont dent, dont flat spot, hold grinds well and are a good weight.
  7. nothing christmassy in my house, if it were up to my mum there wouldnt be any ever, but my dad might want some up at sometime (I hate putting them up, so boring!)
  8. I was in bristol yesterday riding with the tarty massive! dont remember any heckling from a scuby though
  9. go and enter the british champs and get yourself a nice big 2nd place trophy
  10. I had a great time!! I am REALLY sore now though. The sections were great, the people were great and the over head heaters were hot (especially when up on the scaffold section!) I rode like a muppet though, got 41 dabs instead of the 6 that I should have got The after comp ride was ace too, got loads of lines I am happy with especially cleaning the log section UCI style, well chuffed with that. Hows your head mr bessel? that flair you tried was nuts lol went and rode bristol in the rain on sunday but I think we were all too tired and we didnt ride long. I have some footage on my camcorder, but unfortunatly my computer blew up last night so I am using my parents machine and it doesnt have premire (or msn ) so it will have to wait.
  11. Ali C

    Ali C?

    woah, wasnt expecting this lol Just got back from Exeter now (was brill btw) as was mentioned my ashton was cracked (kinda tried to keep it a secret) and martyn didnt have any black justice frames due to moving production. The MBK was posted to my by Porter (ta) and I am trying out the geo. dont expect me to be on it too long, got another ashton heading my way soon I believe.
  12. that would be awesome, I may take you up on that offer in the summer (longer riding days ***) cheers dude
  13. I really wanna come on some southern rides, new places, different people, looks mint
  14. big fat wasp, big fat cat, I have a good answer for that! a rabbit can only run halfway into the woods, after that he would be running out. hey hey nay, hey hey noo, Ali C needs a poo
  15. dingalindan, dingalindin, you sir have just had a win!
  16. didnt you hear Will? People called Will and from Wales cannot ride the competition, insurence issue or somthing
  17. a cheese sandwich TIDDLY DEE, A RIDDLE FOR THEE your working in the woods when a magic frog presents you with a barrel. "you must find somthing to go in the barrel to make it lighter" says the frog of destiny. "The only rules are that it cant be a gas, liquid or mineral" "if you fail to do so, you will be turned into a stoat" What do you put in it? WHAT DO YOU PUT IN IT???
  18. Ali C

    my car

    From the album: Ali C's

    my car, pegeout 305 turbo d
  19. nice bike, interesting fork paint job Martyin and my plan to get ashtons in evrey houshold is slowly comming to plan
  20. personally I dont got any narrower than 36mm on the front. if your riding street then I cant see you needing a ride front rim really, but if you ride natural you will like the extra grip and stability a wider rim gives.
  21. what if we want gears? we should get -1 for every section we get through
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