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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. wait till nick goddards new dvd is out, he got the best shot of it you could have hoped for
  2. grrrr, I hate bmxs with tiny seats, they are barly bigger than the plastic mini seats we trials riders have! The make the bike soooo ugle and silly, it makes me angry. Stoopid seats
  3. anything from avid, simano deores can be good too and are cheap. I will only use avid levers though, they are the most ajustable. Get some heatsink alloy backings and your choice of pad (or wait till the joypad vee pads are out) Also, get some nice cable, some bmx linear cables ould be good.
  4. miiiight be interested. would prefer it if you went to interact though
  5. give me a whistle when you wanna go and I'll join you!
  6. that sums up my experience of kings. I then got a hope pro 2 and lived happily ever after. somthing tells me you would rather keep your king though.....send it to the legend that is TARTY and it should be pretty mint after that.
  7. winning a round of the world champs, thats pretty memorable. most memorable bike was my ashton, first mayjor sponsor
  8. I remember when I saw the first koxx that was the first frame to be as low as that, I always wondered why companies always made their frames so big, so the koxx was pretty cool. it was also the first long frame I had seen, I had a go on one in bradford (1065) and I thought it was aweful cos it was so long!! some more cool pics kennys bike...2001 ^^
  9. they dont feel all thaat long...they are only 5mm longer reach than an ashton...........oh that reminds me, might be worth waiting for the new ashton to come out
  10. james porter sucks!!!!!!!!!!!! Daves dick!!
  11. you dont notice cable strech, its not like its a piece of elastic, vee brakes are pretty stiff when set up right. Vees do seem to have more hold than a maggie, I dont know why, but they just do. [iNH]Serg_rus: you cant really judge a brake unless is set up well. Its like comparing a top end vee with good pads on a grind with a maggie setup badly with black pads, thats not a fair judgment.
  12. might be worth considering that the cause of your back problems was due to the extreme shortness of the zero....if the pain returns it might be worth trying a longer frame before packing it in again.
  13. I would rather have a u brake than a maggie on the front!
  14. cant adjust the spring tension in a maggie....ok, so thats not 100xs more, but everything else is easier to adjust
  15. a maggie is the last ever brake I would ever want to put on the front of my bike!!! I just dont see the point. anyway, a rear vee is awesome, much more holding power than a maggie and 100x more adjustable
  16. I am not a hater, but I am a vee perferer.
  17. montys have the nicest shape I think
  18. I got it now was pretty cool, bit random in the hotel though was nice to see you got me the only time I cleaned the car secttion too, but I 5ed the cable reel one that I cleaned every other time
  19. sketchy, but seeing though I couldnt even backhop when I was 15 I'll let him off. The boy has some skills! Shame he is on a high bb bike though and get him to do other stuff that doesnt appear in every vid posted here.
  20. Its a day late, but better late than never!! I hope you had a good birthday, I'll give you a pressie next time I see you. This is now the official Dave's Birthday week, everyday everyone has to eat at least one malt loaf to celabrate Dave's week!
  21. wish it would work on this computer
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