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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. it might hit you with its handbag might actually give an answer.....yes it will grind, but the sidewalls will end up silver.
  2. very nice! I cant wait to have a go I do have a suggestion though, sell the mod and use the money to get some other bars than the try-alls!!! worst bars EVER
  3. the thought was fine, just the spelling lacked effort
  4. that just shows tha only kids should ride kids bikes then
  5. without a question THE best 24" rims out there are Spank Oobah Stiffy rims. They are the strongest, stiffest, most dent resistant rims ever made!! not heavy either! a nice width too at 40mm. Go and look on Wiggle.
  6. under 4ft....ride a mod, over 4ft.....ride a stock
  7. Ali C

    New Bike

    looks cool! Hope you like it, get some pics/vids done soon
  8. Russians and high bbs......again!! Video was ok, bit like many other vids that are out, but the music was nasty!!
  9. Ribos for riding £3 Lidl trainers for casual stuff
  10. heh heh, cheers man Kings are good hubs, I rode the same one for 3 years BUT it did slip and it got worse over time. I have got friends who have used kings and not liked them (iolo had one for a week, it skipped a full rotation and took a lot of skin off him, so he sold it and got a hope) My hope has been perfect for the 10 months I have dad it, not one skip yet!! Anyway, I dont wanna provoke an argument, hopes and kings are both good hubs.
  11. instead of a left right pedal, do a full stroke....start good foot forward and end good foot forward, it really helps. More speed will help and a bigger jump and keep the weight forwards slightly.
  12. I wanna show off!! Blurry pic...sos you even get to see my pit hairs you lucky lucky people! I am going to start going to the gym and maybe get a personal trainer to make sure I do the correct moves for the correct muscles and get me eating the right sort of food. I want to be bouncy like benito, so I'll learn som streches too.
  13. depends what habitat they live in, this was in a red hot sun drenched field, it was just the same colour as the grass, it was really well camoflaged
  14. is this what I helped you with in exeter? getting up that cable reel at the start of the section? You look to be doing ok, but I feel you should be using your body more, really give it some! throw your body and the bike will follow.
  15. this is a praying mantis that I found in france.....its the only animal picture I have on this computer lol, shame its not looking at the camera
  16. my mum reckens its a great idea, hopfully I'll be able to touch my toes soon lol
  17. actually, this has given me an idea!! I have been stuck as to what I want for christmas, maybe a Gym membership would be good. I get really bored at home too, so it would give me somthing to do and hopfully get me in tip top health for next years comps. Whatcha recken?
  18. nope, no training for me other than riding.....used to do running but its sooo boring! I want to do lots of climbing, but I never end up going and my local asks 3 questions before they let you in and I dont know the answers
  19. happy birthday......put on your birthday suit!!
  20. get some good pads and your sorted, no need to spend loads on new brakes!!
  21. I am not doubting the practicality (trials riders have taken it to its extreme) but it just looks sooooooo stupid. Either make a seatless bmx or have a decent seat on there!!! meh, I just have a grudge against bmxs cos I cant do it
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