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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. lever looks cheap, but if it works it could be awesome....doubt it will drag me off vees though, but it should be an improvment over cast maggies. Also, the name Zhi comes to mind
  2. I liked it! Got style even on rocks...well done that man
  3. cheers for the comments guys, much apreciated yeah, possibly Rhyl next week Craig!!
  4. I forgot how good blackpool was Its fecking ACE!! I though I was riding pretty well, got some taps I am happy with. Was cool to see people again, hopfully There will be some pics soon
  5. not worth it, the words that come to mind are.....spongy, pain in ass.
  6. ben savage 1st, danny butler 2nd, Ali C 3rd
  7. the global was an interesting one, I had nothing to do with the actual frame looks, I just said what geo I wanted (I thought the frame was possibly the ugliest ever made!!) Same is happening with ashton, I bullied martyn into making a frame with different geo, I am doing UCI comps next year, so expect UCI type geo. I dont know what the actual frame design will be, thats up to martyn, I am sure it will be great though.
  8. danny is the 2005 british champ and 2006 european expert champ, he came 2nd in the worlds in expert.
  9. enter some comps? Then theres always somthng to look forward too. Even just riding natural is fun. If I didnt do comps I would probably give up trials tomorrow.
  10. Ali C

    Poo Poll

    haha, great stuff. This was meant to be a test on how to make the picture comp poll, I thought I could make up a random poll to show how it was done and then delete it (senior members can delete their posts) but it seems I couldnt delete the topic. some great answers though, shame I didnt do more options
  11. isnt that for dents rather than flatspots?? other than a hammer, I cant see any way of fixing it
  12. can you say smoooooooooth! very nice vid, some impressive riding!
  13. it will work with VLC media player (well worth getting, will play any file type)
  14. I agree with Leedstrials, no need to spend loads on some brakes that wont be better than the vees, just get some good pads and cables and everyone with maggies will be jelous of your vees!
  15. personally, I cant stand fluro rims, we arn't in the 80s any more
  16. Went riding shipley Glen on Sat the 23rd, got lots of footage so I made a vid. Its 6 mins long with 4 mins of raw footage. The music is Aphex Twin Windowlicker, its a bit odd but I think it goes well. The editing is just really simple and plain. riders are: Adam Read (monty pr) Stan Shaw (MBK) Ali C (Ashton Proto (MBK with yellow 3 in front wheel)) I thought you new members might not see it in the main section, would be nice to share with you guys too. http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/Ali-C hope you like it
  17. seems not everyone likes aphex twin then? lol I spent 2 days looking for the right tune, I thought that one went best with the riding, I very much doubt I'll use them again though. I am on the mbk as I am testing it for geo until my proto frame comes in january. (expect lots of vids then!!)
  18. Went riding shipley Glen on Sat the 23rd, got lots of footage so I made a vid. Its 6 mins long with 4 mins of raw footage. The music is Aphex Twin Windowlicker, its a bit odd but I think it goes well. The editing is just really simple and plain. http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/Ali-C hope you like it
  19. love the tensioner!! its inspired me to make my own!
  20. I bought counterstrike force...played it for 10 mins and I was sick of it!! possibly the worst game I have bought? on another note, one of my fave games I have played is Return to Castle Wolfenstien!! SUCH a good game!!
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