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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. Ali C

    Ashton 26" 07

    we need martyn to come and confirm things really....I should imagin they will be the same design.
  2. I liked it, thats pretty impressive considering it was a mod video!!
  3. enter as many comps and win as many as possible
  4. Ali C

    Ashton 26" 07

    as far as I know, it will be the same....it just wouldnt be an ashton if it wasnt! I also think there might be a full bike too. I am testing geo for a comp virsion
  5. I have taken pills, worked pretty well, my headache went away within 15 mins, well reccomended
  6. Ali C

    Natural Vid

    Very good!! downloaded sooooo fast, took me by suprise!! Some pretty minty riding! Not my fave tune but went well with riding........Ali C reccomended
  7. still does! thats an older 04 lever though, they are pretty strong.
  8. same..dont like parties either, dont drink, not interested in meeting new people, feet get sore....no fun
  9. I would have koxx pads over plaz anyday, but I would also have Joypads over koxx too
  10. Ali C

    Pad Reviews

    I kind of agree with you, the compound of Phat pads is indeed the best!! just read the Joypad reviews, they are exactly the same rubber (I told mike where to get the rubber)
  11. I use the speed dial ajustment on my avid levers all the time, I dont think I could use any others. I did use xtrs years ago, they fell apart after a few months!
  12. if its a newer maggie, the lever body will snap before anything else happens (seen it done)
  13. when, where and what was that event? Was it invite only? I would have sold my teeth to have gone!! riding was cool, got to love thomas Oehler!!
  14. SPEED WEIGHT FORWARD HOOK!! that putting it simply Start on somthing sloped if you can, it makes it sooooo much easier! Start a few bikes lengths away, do a full rotation to get the speed and as you are getting closer, do another full rotation and lift off with your bad foot (like a tap) and jump the bike up, you want to get the front wheel comfortably on top of the objest with as much weight forwards as possible, the more weight forward the easier it is to get the rest of the bike up, also the faster you do it the mor forwards momentum you will have to carry you on to the top.
  15. rode for 3 years using two fingers on each brake, I made myself use one and its stuck since
  16. right foot forward. can do most things left foot too barr taps and hooks
  17. no real complaints from me, makes custom frame builders lifes hard (iolo for example) but getting a frame for cheap is fairly easy with him around.
  18. not dissing deng, but people managed before he came around
  19. Ali C

    Rage Bar?

    tough as houses!
  20. Ali C

    Rage Bar?

    monty pedals have better bearings and heat treated alloy cages. Monty prices seem to have come down, but koxx/try all parts are still more exspensive here than they are abroad
  21. over 30mm is high bb, I would never go more than that
  22. I cant confirm what the final frame will have, but I asked for roughly 1085 wheelbase, 380 chainstays, +15 or 20 bb, 71.5 degree head angle.
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