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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. reeto, had a long chat with clive. He thinks his forks are a bit lightweight for serious tapping and hooking, he could get some straigh gauge tubes for it, but he is really lacking time to make forks and its not cost effective for him either. He is going to see if he has any tubing to suit the crowns I have, but he isnt over keen on the idea, he thinks the crown will break. I am still interested in giving it a try though. I'll give him a ring next week and see if he has found any tubes. In the end, we decided that getting some pashley forks and customising them would be the best bet. So sell me your good condition pash forks!! curtis forks are heavy and not very strong
  2. suspension have rake just like rigid forks. the crown is slightly offset forwards to the steerer, they are not in line I could ask iolo, but for for a one off like this it might not be practical (min tube length per order is 3 meters I think). I have some forks with the legs still in, I would like some steel dropouts to fit over those, thats somthing to ask about too
  3. cheers. If its to fit my crown, I'll go for straight, otherwise I'll take clives advice (probably straight too)
  4. rare "what part" topic by me. I want some forks, but a bit more customised than whats available. I have a few crowns taken from sus forks (fox, manitou). I would like to make some legs to fit, but I am having a hard time finding some. I would like steel as I can easily replair or modify them as they get used, plus I wont have to worry about heat treatment as much as alloy legs. I am also tempted to ring Leeson and see about some forks. Has anyone used leeson forks? They look a bit flimsy for my liking though. How much can he customise them would you think? I would like maybe fatter diam tubes to aid stiffness. I would also like to ask if I supplied my crown, would he be able to fit some legs (as he can get reynolds steel)? I would ring now, but I dont have his number, I'll look in the faq in a mo (unless someone wants to post it here), whens best to ring him? Cheers
  5. pardon?? kinda looks like maguras road brakes, but a lot older
  6. I have uploaded it onto youtube, its not as good quality, but at least it can be seen.
  7. heh heh was indeed bigman, we wanted him to bigup trialsforum but he never got the chance, but at least he managed to say about trials
  8. monty bars, rear vee and Joypads, cant see me changing those any time soon, the rest of the bike changes faily often though
  9. not sure if I am really allowed to sell things on here, best email me at dvclarkson@yahoo.co.uk if you want any info about getting them
  10. current ones are for sale now, moulded ones wont be for a few months, I still need to get a mould made, test compounds and finalise the backing design and then get a mould made for that too.
  11. I do indeed make the pads, I spent a while finding and testing different compounds untill I found one that works. I then buy the material in bulk and cut it to shape and glue them into new powerpad backings. I have sold a few pairs now and feedback has been great! I am gettin them moulded by a local firm soon as well as my own deisgn backings, I am also planning on making alloy mag and vee backings too. Getting them moulded will increase quality and I hope to sell though shops instead of from home.
  12. ridinghighuk sell 26" spank rims
  13. is the vid still there? I cant seem to find it Would anyone be able to host it for me?
  14. yes I am riding a +35mm frame, and I think the bb is too high! silly thread whore dave
  15. actually, an avid ultimate vee setup is more exspensive than a maggie, but the quality is MUCH higher! I like vees as they have much MUCH more holding power, are easier to pull than a maggie (reducing arm fatigue), pads last longer as they dont wobble around, pads are easier to replace, brake is easier to setup, brake is usually quieter, can remove wheel without letting the air out of the tyre, can get spairs in just about any bike shop in the world, no split hoses, no freezing parts, can adjust the power, can adjust the lever feel, the pivot is lower and the arc of the lever is more natural. enough reasons?
  16. ashton justice!! lovley street bike. or wait till the ashton 24" full bike comes out!!
  17. never EVER seen a cable snap from braking force!! I think its much more likley for a maggie hose to split or come off a barb than a cable to snap!
  18. front bb7 (or vee in summer) and vee ont back all the time (cant deny they work! just personal preference I guess)
  19. my choice is like this best) Vee 2nd) Maggie 3rd) Disk
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