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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. it will be fine, I did dirt jumps on my monty ti years ago, it held up well
  2. that was sweet, I liked that very much Those rocks are massive too! Nice harsh crash by Adam, helmets ***!
  3. senior members just reccomend members, or say which ones are annoying, or post porn.
  4. I really dont rate king front hubs, the axles snap, flanges snap and they are over exspensive.
  5. I forget how long mine lasted, it wasnt long anyway, the bearings just died.....I would avoid
  6. has anyone got a 20tooth 5 bolt front chainring to suite a middleburn bash for sale they could bring? mine snapped in half today
  7. nice piccies Was a great ride, nice to see plenty of people, Rhyl is an awesome place too (when its not blowing a gale!) I was impressed bith Ben and Sams riding! Cant wait to go back and nail all those lines I failed
  8. without a doubt Spank 24" rims are the best you can get, dont flatspot, dont dent, holds grinds well, nice and fat, not too heavy and the stiffest rim ever made, everything else is crap compared!
  9. Ali C


    this is a nice suprise, thank you very much I think there are others who deserve more credit than me though.
  10. I love the name "Randy Spangler"
  11. I cant remember where, was in spain I think, but I remember you getting agressive and hitting me, it hurt lol You should have seen the spud gun I made, you would have loved it! I am currently playing with home made rocket fuel to make my bottle rockets even better Enter the british champs this year Jake, then we can ride together again:)
  12. Wills on mod!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO come to wales tomorrow dave!!
  13. I love Jake! But not when you beat me up your too big for a 13 year old! Vid was cool, VERY tgs though, maybe try to vary your riding a bit, get some wall rides, spins and backwards stuff in there, you know your good enough.
  14. if you have bled it and it still seems to have air, just do a top up......undo the lever nipple and put your syringe in there (make sure theres no air in the tube from the syringe) and pull the lever in and holdit there untill the air has gone into the syringe, once it has let the lever go and it will pull new water into the maggie, keep doing that until no more air comes out...give it a few fast pumps to make sure theres no small bubbles and your good to go. That way garrentees theres no air in the system and is easier to do than a standard bleed.
  15. good lad! back on the stock brigade come to Rhyl tomorrow, we havnt ridden properly for ages
  16. Ali C

    Pashley Forks

    thats what he said to me
  17. Ali C


    I can see how its possible, but I dont know how he gets his front tyre to grip
  18. get mr Bessels MBK untill the comp frame from Ashton comes out!
  19. noo need for footage, I'll see it for myself on sat
  20. chinese is the official language, but just about everyone in Singapore speaks English, very well too
  21. the only simtra that I think is nice looking, infact its very nice looking
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