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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. how could I gorget Lake Ogwin for natural!! THE best place ever!
  2. best places I have ridden is as follows: Natural: Blackstone edge Lee Mill Quarry Kebs Brimham rocks Porthcawl Kelly farm Street: Burnley Manchester Rhyl Bangor
  3. got a park on the cards in my town of Hebden Bridge. Was cool, they asked us!! I cant get them to stop emailing or phoning me I am going to bust my guts to make sure its a DECENT park, I need to practise for the worlds, a shitty little park will not be good enough and I wont be shy about it! Theres somthing else planned at my local quarry too, the local council are wanting to turn it into a sports activity hub, they plan on having dh tracks, 4x and dual tracks, dirt jumps, a ski slope, xc routes and they are interested in making it more trials friendly too. Its already got tons of rocks and is amazing to ride, but I fancy some man made stuff to help with UCI style comps. They want to hold lots of comps there too, so that all sounds good.
  4. the sad face was because I wasnt really helping him, I would hate to live there! Got plenty of rocks and street up here, its bliss
  5. Ali C

    Deonns Gu

    they are nice looking frames, but I cant stand how they ride!!
  6. amazing!! vince is awesome!! Those sections look scary as hell, must have been an awesome show!
  7. nice riding and bikes, addingham really does catch the wind though, so fair play for being up there I have one question though......why the trousers? are you sponsored and have to wear those? I can understand that they might not catch on stuff as much, but is it really that big a problem to justify wearing those?
  8. surly it would be harsh as hell without a front brake??
  9. I disagree about the no front brake!
  10. I would keep your frame, but bosh a vee brake on the back and get a decent booster, best of both worlds then
  11. Ali C


    I find 26" way easier to ride street on than a bmx, they are more stable and I just can control them a lot more. A bmx is too flicky, one slight body movment makes the bike do somthing, I cant deal with that. The vid was cool, but not the best I have seen, I much prefer Jeff Lenoski or Arron Chase
  12. gaps down to front wheel is where the most fun is had!
  13. due to reasons I cant be bothred to explain now, I am going to try out a cane creek direct curve brake and lever setup, I'll let people know what I think when I'v tried them for a bit
  14. Ali C

    My Finger

    my braking finger randomly did that, it hurt like hell and was a nightmare...fortunatly it went away within two or three weeks and its never happened again.
  15. how low does he want the bars? other than that, its very clean and nice and good pretty looking
  16. I commend you big fella, swish riding, nice songs put together in a well edibal package, more please. Also, you fall haaard!
  17. Monty 221 bars with 1" wooden extenders either side
  18. on a good day between pallets, 8.5 maybe just under 9 if I had some haribo. When you get them right, they feel soooo good! Ash, how do you go bigger on the flat rather than between two things? I cant get any "pop" off the edge then.
  19. awesome stuff I really enjoyed that! Thanks a lot for comming and filming, was nice to see you and its a very cool vid, I LOVE the song
  20. I agree, wheelbase isnt as important as cockpit length....its down to the head angle really....Ashtons have a 73 degree headangle and a 1055 wheelbase, but the steeper head angle on bikes means you have to reach further to the bars, Ashtons are the same cockpit length as long echo controls, they have a slacker headangle that moves the cockpit length colser.
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