joe beat me to it. I really hate to post negative comments, theres nothing I would like more than to say great vid and great riding, but I cant. I am getting really worried about the way trials seems to heading on street rides, wheres the indevidual style? wheres the imagination? It seems to me that riders are getting like sheep, they just follow other people.......try and set yourself apart from the crowd, ad some style.....who says you only have to do sidehops? I have been to leeds loads of times and theres loads of other stuff to do. watch some trials kings vids, some ryan leech, akkers and ashton vids, they didnt get well known by being sheep. sorry for the rant, your good riders, its just a shame to see your skill wasted by just doing the same thing in different places, the whole point in going to other places is that they offer new lines, not just a different coloured wall to sidehop.