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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. Ali C

    Leeds Ride Video

    joe beat me to it. I really hate to post negative comments, theres nothing I would like more than to say great vid and great riding, but I cant. I am getting really worried about the way trials seems to heading on street rides, wheres the indevidual style? wheres the imagination? It seems to me that riders are getting like sheep, they just follow other people.......try and set yourself apart from the crowd, ad some style.....who says you only have to do sidehops? I have been to leeds loads of times and theres loads of other stuff to do. watch some trials kings vids, some ryan leech, akkers and ashton vids, they didnt get well known by being sheep. sorry for the rant, your good riders, its just a shame to see your skill wasted by just doing the same thing in different places, the whole point in going to other places is that they offer new lines, not just a different coloured wall to sidehop.
  2. I thought they whole point of an eyeleted rim was that you could get higher spoke tension without it ripping through the rim?
  3. and that will TOTALLY kill your maggie! Maggies run on mineral oil, dot fluid will destroy the seals and render the brake usless. Just run water, it doesnt ruin the brake and it does make it feel much nicer......I really couldnt use the normal fluid in a maggie (if I wasnt using vees), its just oo hard to pull and gives me arm pump.
  4. origional Charlie and the Chocolate Factory babe kill bill snatch and some more when I can remember them
  5. best gloves I have hever used, shame they got stolen in spain! check out hebo gloves too, they are pretty nifty
  6. I wouldnt use it purly because its 5 hours drive away, but if there was a comp there I would like to attend.
  7. find a socket that fits in nicley and on a flat surface hammer it flat again. I have delt with this a lot at the bikeshop I work at, the socket trick works everytime.
  8. Rock pads are actually made by Sam Armstrong all the way away in singapore!! not by tartybikes. Heated lever blades would be cool, but for the few months they would be useful I dont think its really worth the effort, theres many cheaper ways to keep fingers warm.
  9. function over fashion everytime..................ASHTON (otherwise, echo)
  10. I know what you mean, cables feel much nicer
  11. the montys different than the onzas, much more sweepy. I prefer the montys, but some people dont get on with the sweep.
  12. Ali C

    Koxx Camp 07

    will there be any barfs? and I dont mean mud barfs.
  13. Ali C

    Ymsa 07

    get me to these comps!!!!!!!! oh wait, I'm driving again........ I'll get to these comps!!!!!!!!!
  14. what are you wanting to do? the caps just pull off and so does the freehub body (watch the seal when putting back together!) But if your thinking you'll need to strip and service it like a king needs sometimes, then dont bother, hopes dont need touching or servicing as regually (if at all) as a king.
  15. try and find a filthy ard guard, they were easily the best!
  16. Ali C

    Last Coust Vid

    talked to TRA, I am impressed with his commitment, its not just a few tips to get that power, its a way of life! I am going to try and follow his advice, just cost and time is a factor
  17. more to trials than rear wheel control though
  18. I guess some people see a working brake as cheating in the same way some people see a mod as cheating. I can see the challenge, but I refuse to accept it
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