whooo, mr Part ex is comming, not seen ryan for a bit I cant wait, sounds like a lot of people are going, will be a nice social. I doubt I'll do well though, not ridden for a couple of weeks, feeling a bit sketchy.
avid or shimano noodles are both decent (though I run a section of nokon instead of a noodle, much smoother), go for the slackest curve your setup will handle (90 if poss)
make sure you havnt bent the arm and its not catching anything. try winding on some spring tension and see if that helps. Make sure that when the caliper arm has returned, its not bottoming out, if it is, pull more cable through the pinch bolt and undo the red dial a couple of turns. make sure the cable is lubed and isnt kinked in any places
is the arm still bent when he undoes the bolts? its two steel plates right? if so the bolts could be holding one plate differntly from the other and keeping it bent. They seem like the perfect tensioner to me, I am going to make my own from carbon and use a jockey wheel, should be super
that sounds HORRIBLE!! Bars are meant to have backsweep, its just more comfy! bars right forwards changes your body position, it sticks your elbows out and brings your shoulders in, (I have seen sooooo many sketchy riders with bars tilted right forwards, if they had some backsweep they wouldnt be half as sketchy!) Backsweep moves your elbows down, relaxes the shoulders and is generally more efficient for riding in general. I have my monty bars so they have the same backsweep as they do upsweep
put a notice saying when your going, blackpool is close to me If I could go anywhere in the world, I would like to go to australia.......and blackstone edge, lancashire
a mod would be taking the easyoption. when people comit suicide, people call them cowards because they cant face thehardships of life........its almost nearly sorta the same thing. I would have more respect towards you if you carried on riding stock and just got over the problem, be it riding more, doing weights or whatever, that will build more riding skill and experience than you could get by taking the easy option and getting a mod (which does half the work for you). stick with stock.
am I the only person who gets bored once they actually review cars? the crash was ok, I was expecting worse, was good to watch though. Got a bit bored with the road laying. I did like clarkson chatting with jamie oliver though, I thought it was really funny
I have respect for the big tgs riders, they are really good at what they do and they sometimes add other interesting lines (I remember Craig doing a gap from a bin to a wall ride, thats what I like to see) Its just the people who seem to have blinkers on and can only see the obvious stuff that gets to me, they are missing out on half of the fun in trials.