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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. both taste like mud hot chocolate for me
  2. I HATE that band!! really really do not like the music.
  3. ashton seats look nice on ashtons I think, not so nice on otherbikes though
  4. deffo seat on 24" but no seat on mod or competition style 26" (unless its an ashton seat )
  5. Ali C

    Koxx Days 2007

    I have sent you an email Fred, hope you got it alright
  6. Ali C

    Trials Shoes

    no need to worry James, they will be sorted
  7. I dont know much, sorry lads, I should be getting my proto any day now (I hope)....I'll post some pics up when I get it, but dont expect the standard frame to be the same (different geo and maybe alloy)
  8. Ali C

    Trials Shoes

    might be worth waiting for the new Ribos from tartybikes to come out, they currently have a few pairs in testing (I have two pairs) they are all slightly different, they will use the best features from each one and come up wih the best shoe ever made. They are 100X better looking than older Ribos too, they will be worth waiting for!
  9. lets all ride burnley, me, wad, iolo, and the tarty crew wotsit are riding, bring some food too, I'm hungry
  10. I danny, thats my type of riding right there! Fair play to the guy ont ashton too, could show me a thing or two!
  11. I would prefer to watch danny ride as thats the type of riding I would like to do, its really nice. I still like damons vids though, I have loads of respect for what he can do!
  12. isnt there two rounds in devon and one in surry? I call that south!!
  13. very good! I have been trying to teach myself solid works, but I gave up because it was too hard, to come up with somthing as good as that deservs a lot of respect!
  14. all terrain cycles do them. I have a 24" blue groove sitting here on my spank rim, its got the stiffest sidewalls I have ever felt!! feels like I could run it without a tube!
  15. I never found the need to bleed the brake that way...ever, leave the brake on and use a syringe, much quicker and easier.
  16. generally speaking, left footed riders sidehop to the right and right footers sidehop to the left.......of course there are people who do the opposite, but its usually easier doing it the way I said.
  17. time for my famous mod bashing........ go for a short, there isnt much point in a long mod in my eyes, if a short mod is too short then you need a stock. A short mod can fit on small rocks, is more flicky, can bunnyhop well, sidehop well and generally have mor advantages than long mods. this is my personal opinion though, I am sure others will dissagree
  18. colour fading is pretty exspensive to do in t shirts, it would cost a bomb to have those made. Not really a fan of the design either sorry, it looks messy, like someones just spilt a drink over it or somthing.
  19. Ali C

    What Grips?

    soya/soyo? grips are dam good, on-one bikes ell them I think, they are as thin as you can get really.
  20. Ali C

    Cls Project

    I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate that song!!!!!!
  21. I find that when people just have a quick go, they like the ease of rear wheel control, its pretty much always the first impression that people go with. Thats what happened with me anyway, but I soon found that the rear wheel control comprimised the bikes other uses. I dont have the best balence in the world, so I found that on a high bb bike, my center of gravity was noticably higher and I could randomly fall off for no reason. Theres soooooooo much more to how good a bike is than rear wheel control, sure high bb bikes are good at some stuff (hooks backwheel control and aparently gaps to front are nicer) but since when has a normal frame been hard on the rear wheel? I think sidehops, normal gaps, staying on the bike once landing moves, bunnyhops, manuals, and general balence are all better on low bb bikes I dont want to sound bigheaded or anything, but it nearly always seems to be the newer, learner rider who like high bb frames (just because of the rear wheel control I think), I can count the number of top riders who use bbs over 30mm on one hand.
  22. not being narrow minded, I had a high bb frame and it was honestly the worst frame I have ever owned, I would rather do trials on an xc or jump bike than any high bb frames. Anyway, I never said he shouldnt get one (dont get one!) I just personally think they are the scurge of the oceans! You do get the odd rider who are super good on high bb frames (damon) but I am pretty sure he would be even better than he already is if he got a low bb frame. Most people I have seen on high bb frames are either beginners who dont know any better, people who want to be like damon and think only a high bb frame will make them like him and actual good riders who can ride them well. I agree with leon, long low bikes with long low stems and flat bars suck! but a nice long low frame with a medium legth high stem with some risers is just the sex! turns it into a do it all bike.
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