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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. whoooo, I'm a natural first time jumping a bike too got to admit though, I dont do as well on the rocks as iolo or maurice, arans bikes throttle tends to go balistic too lol!
  2. he was disapointed he couldnt run his frame, but being a sportsman he went with the rules, doesnt mean he cant have a badger about it with mates
  3. good photographer!! came out well I think was a cool ride, that jump was ace and you going through that deep puddle was really funny lol
  4. oh...he complained but there was nothing he could do about it so he got on with it, more reason to get into masters I personally would like to be allowed not to use gears, mainly because its going to be a pain swapping between parts at biu and uci comps.
  5. I likes your wife takes good memories! get ye moto trials pics up ye b*****d!
  6. those ups to front wheel are a bit nuts, looks like youve been sho with a parylizer dart half way though lol taps are large, editing was cool, nicley done
  7. somthing to hit and knock off
  8. yes the circlip does look a bit suspect, but it also looks like there is a pinch bolt holding it onto the axel, and it looks like there are several holes for the spring to go into, maybe meaning you can change the spring tention. tentioner looks good to me waddy
  9. I enjoy natural sooooo much more I just cant describe it!! Its just so much more fun and satisfying, theres hundreds of lines just on one or two rocks! Also, every rock is different, in street any 45" wall is the same as any other 45" wall, its just too repetative and boring. I do like to ride street every now and then though, but I usually end up getting bored and grumpy. I love comps the most though, I would even bother riding trials if I didnt do comps.
  10. not a fan of the geo, but looks wise its very nice, some nice detailing in the booster/4 bolt area, cant wait to see a vid of you riding it
  11. I have never known what I wanted to do, my only passion in life is bikes, so being in the cycling buisness is what I wanted to do, either designing bikes or welding bikes. I took a graphic design at college in ND level and went to do a two year HND graphic design course, but I quit after a month as I wasnt enjoying it (too much research, not enough hands on). I tried to get qualifications in welding, but there was nowhere to do that without leaving home. I have given up the idea of owning a bike company (too much work, I dont care for buisness studies or accountings stuff) or designing bikes (cant deal with computers, they drive me nuts). Welding might be somthing I would like to do in the future after I have stopped trials, but I dont want to do it now. I am starting a job in a bikeshop, so far seems pretty good, get on well with the guys that work there, I am interested in what they sell, so its all good.
  12. cool stuff, looks really hard! at least the weather was good. where is that place, looks cool
  13. cheers guys! getting a bit older now at 23. I am a bit bored now though, cant think of anything to do ....might go riding.
  14. non, I dont drink alcohol, it all tastes like crap to me!
  15. I cant stand those halfords grips, they are just too soft and fat, not nice. Richey foams are dead nice, really good feel, but a tad fat for my liking, still, they can be trimmed thinner with a knife. Monty grips are cool, be are a bit too fragile for my liking.
  16. I ride for Ashton bikes and tartybikes. Sponsorship isnt the biggest bestest thing ever, dont ride just to be spnsored, ride because you love it, sponsorship just makes things a little easier cost wise, for me thats great as I spend thousands of pounds a year traveling to comps.
  17. sorry guys, thanks to me it looks like me stan and waddy are not going, I was going to drive but I am just too tired, its verging on the dangerous to get up so early and drive there (thats my excuse anyway). sorry to stan and waddy and sorry to those who thought we were going. have a good day
  18. spent £1000 of plane tickets to singapore and japan last year, spent monty on travels to france, spain, czhec, and the indoor euro champs (forgot where it was). There was also tyketrials, brit champs, ymsa. I recken maybe £2000-£3000 was spent on comps last year.
  19. Ali C


    From the album: Ali C's

  20. Ali C


    From the album: Ali C's

  21. Ali C


    From the album: Ali C's

  22. I am pretty sure open ended gussets spread the strain down the whole tube and fully welded gussets just concentrate them into one point. (as has been said) theres no point in a cnc head tube xtp styl bit, it just adds weight.
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