I have never known what I wanted to do, my only passion in life is bikes, so being in the cycling buisness is what I wanted to do, either designing bikes or welding bikes. I took a graphic design at college in ND level and went to do a two year HND graphic design course, but I quit after a month as I wasnt enjoying it (too much research, not enough hands on). I tried to get qualifications in welding, but there was nowhere to do that without leaving home. I have given up the idea of owning a bike company (too much work, I dont care for buisness studies or accountings stuff) or designing bikes (cant deal with computers, they drive me nuts). Welding might be somthing I would like to do in the future after I have stopped trials, but I dont want to do it now. I am starting a job in a bikeshop, so far seems pretty good, get on well with the guys that work there, I am interested in what they sell, so its all good.