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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. VERY nice, they are quite boring in silver, but yellow makes it very interesting, nice one Dan
  2. Ali C

    Ymsa 07

    as soon as I get on a computer with a printer, I'll print off a few forms for friends and myself
  3. I love akkers riding! that powerslide round the corner and then massive jump ont rock was amazing!! Porter was awesome too!
  4. super low stem with super high bb, my worst nightmare! try a mod stem, a tryall or hifi stem would improve the ride no end.
  5. dont be shy with heating the pads! get a blow torch to them!
  6. awesome pics and riding! Riding a couple of spots I have never been to as well! I LOVE the first crash pic! looks like a wrist snapper!
  7. I cant make it now forks snapped and I threw them away with the steerer race still fitted, so even if I got new ones, it wopuld work! sucks! I'll email Barbara later to let her know.
  8. the cane creak sealed internal headset on tartybikes is a safe buy.
  9. it says in your profile that you have a t pro frame? They only use internal type headsets, the zoo is an external one and will not fit it unfortunatly
  10. I sent a link to Tony Lund (my contact with the project)...heres his reply: Alastair Thanks for the information. The postings on trials forum look very promising, the requests for local accommodation will add weight to the scheme as we can demonstrate a contribution to the local economy. We can start to look for potential camp sites good chance a local farmer/landowner will be interested in making provision. I agree toilets etc need to be looked at if a camp site could be set up close enough i.e. one of the neighbouring farms then perhaps they could be sited there. Insurance and site inspection etc may well necessitate the setting up of a club. We are looking at the possibility of a couple of shortish downhill runs at horncliffe woods (just down the road) with an uplift facility. Same issue would arise there. First step is to get some costed designs together and win over local cllrs and planners. I'll be back in touch later this week to arrange a meeting with Rowan Sorrell http://www.back-on-track.org/about.htm for some time next week. There is a good chance that we might combine it with an interview with Singletrack in which case if you were willing it would be good if you could let them take a few photo's of you ridding some of what is already in the quarry. Tony Lund Countryside Officer sounding good!
  11. I love PIG SKIN! I usually have at least one bag a week, my parents bring it back from the pub for me, but if I am out riding somwhere or even buying lunch for work, I'll look out for some. Possibly the most unhealthy thing to like the most?
  12. a vee is best of both worlds! quiet forwards, loud backwards. beard< Right< blahh blahh< anyway, I found a booster would reduce the amount of vibration from a brake setup and stopped the noise (depending on complete setup of course)
  13. from what I could tell of dannys, they are really nice! dam stiff and good geo, but danny has his rear brake lever at a gay angle so I couldnt ride it properly.
  14. that italian stallian Vittorio Brumotti won overall, danny came 2nd and I came 3rd. Danny won the european champs in expert, perhaps thats what you were thinking of?
  15. Ali C

    Danny Trailer

    not a fan, sorry. The bike looks waaay too big for him, he doesnt seem to have mastered basic control and theres no helmet. I am sure if he put as much effort into getting the basics dialled as he does in his gaps, he would get plenty good. Anyway, was I the only one who when learning trials, learnt all little tricks like front hops, pivots, manuals, bunnyhops and stuff? they are pretty much the basic skills, but I never see anyone do any of them in newby vids.
  16. haha, you should see the tartybikes kettle dave! after a few rim grinds its full of aluminium power....perhaps having the "kitchen" next to the grinding station isnt the healthyest thing in the world
  17. merida came up with the lrs suspension (low ratio system I think) which uses a longer stroke with less pressure, the shock is in the same place as the specialised but merida didnt come up with the brain idea, I am pretty sure that was a calibration between specialized and fox.
  18. I am going to bed now, I shall check back tomorrow to confirm my victory, my beard will be longer by then too enhancing my knolege-ing powers.
  19. could be a captainboys beard, not quite as manly as a pirates one, but better than a girly shaved face.
  20. needs a poll! the tubing that supports the wheel, saddle and any other parts is the chassis, also known as the frame!! theres no argument!
  21. loved mine, never did me any harm.
  22. kings are good, but worth getting over a hope...not in my onion
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