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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. Ali C


    whats wrong with wood? lol if its strong enough to build buildings, bridges, roller coasters, boats, cars, planes, hammer handles out of, they a bar extender should be no problem.
  2. just spent a couple of hours up at the quarry in the freezing cold with Tony Lund and Rowan Sorrell looking at possible places to have trials bits, the plan is to have at least 10 areas, but depending on other things (like time, buget, colliding with other trails and planning permission) there could be more! Theres no shortage of places to have stuff anyway. I took lots of pics, I am going to get a friend to do some artists impressions, I'll post them up when they are done. Tony said a cool thing, we cant have the best dh or xc routs in this country just because other places have bigger mountains or prettier scenery, but theres nothing stopping us having the best trials park in the world! He thinks it would be good to aim to have the best possible!
  3. only experienced one, so that gets my vote!
  4. Ali C

    Gerardo Garcia

    "who likes short shorts?" I DONT!!! gaaahhhh shorts and shinpads should be banned! especially with shorts that short! my boxxers are bigger anyway, LOVE that vid (thats saying somthing for a mod vid!) no tgs, just bouncy hyper fun, thats why montys are the only nice mods, nice and short and flicky.
  5. VERY good pedals. VERY heavy pedals.
  6. oh my, from one of the worst riding bikes ever, to one of the best!! you wont be disapointed!
  7. he did hit a lot of things though! I laughed lots!! and its hard to make me laugh.
  8. heh heh, I kneed myself in the chin last week, it REALLY hurt!
  9. Ali C


    I turned some wood on a lathe to fit, could do the same with alloy, plastic, carbon, whatever....wide monty bars are lovley.
  10. Ali C


    I agree, drilling it is what I would do.
  11. minty bobs, I'll get some of that.
  12. just thought I would let people know that I am going to the quarry tomorrow to scope out some suitable places and take some pictures for some artist impressions. If anyone wants to join me you are more than welcome! I'll be up there maybe about 1ish hopfully.
  13. I am sure covering it in duct tape will sort out any flying bits...my old one was only really thin, it was more like a metal bag than a solid chamber, you could bend the sides in to touch! that had 4 layers of tape around it, it never failed!
  14. yeah, looking back now its pretty dangerous, was a good laugh though. A metal one should be a lot better! I dont really see the point in buying one, half the fun of them is making it yourself!
  15. mine was better it obviously had a much longer barrel though. shame it blew up while Iolo was using it, it properly winded him! My best one was one that I made in 20 mins while waiting for some friends to call, it had a paint tin, bit of plastic pipe and a whole lot of tape! worked REALLY well, but eventually kinda began to fall apart. I have some cool steel beer kegs here that I want to weld a barrel too, bet that will work a treat!!
  16. I dont know any girlys, so bikes wins every time.
  17. I have never had good results with muc off, infact it always totally ruined my disks! Best way to get rid of contaminated pads is to burn them with a blowtorch or somthing, let them cool down again and they should be a lot better, you could give the rotor a quick blast too, but make sure you dont warp it...the dishwasher could be a good bet.
  18. sod filming! I'm there to ride!!
  19. Ali C


    extended monty bars
  20. Ali C

    Ymsa 07

    I know you..stan will be at them usually, but maybe not the first two due to koxx days..wad will hopfully be attending them same as iolo
  21. 2 months.... anyway as for bars, I feel montys have the nicest shape, shame they are a bit narrow, but you could make some extenders...cant really go wrong with zoo bars though.
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