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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. Ali C

    Ali C Vlog

    I'm all for constructive criticism! I totally see where you're coming from, I had been tempted to stop doing it so yeah, I might just have them without from now on
  2. Ali C

    Buster Keaton

    REALLY good! Loved the footjam stuff (the halfcab up to footjam was sweet), the wallride up the gap was ace and the backwards skid was unexpected....I tip my hat to thee
  3. Got myself one of these sprung bike things. It's an Orange Four in Medium built with a selection of parts from sponsors, I'm pleased with how it looks, I've always had a strong connection with Orange (i lived 8 miles from them and did work experience there twice) so to have one like this is a dream come true! Just need to get it muddy as hell now!
  4. I couldn't adjust between the two which is why I stopped riding my comp bike.
  5. a couple, one or two shenanigans as well
  6. just a heads up....it's a MTB video rather than on his Inspired......still very good though and plenty of "tricks" too!
  7. that's just an odd habit I have. I like to hold deathgrip where possible so often I have to reach for the brake mid move. I normally cover the brake for up-to-fronts though, it's tricky to get the finger out fast enough.
  8. I followed back, not sure what the others will do though
  9. On the flip side, my GF went to uni only because she thought that's what she had to do and didn't really know what she wanted to do there. Now she's 29 and gone down a completely different route in life not at all connected with her uni course and has had to re-train all over again which has left her with a massive uni fee and loans taken for re-training that has meant she's had to move back in with her mum, can't afford a car/holidays/presents and generally sucks. I left school before my exams so I've no qualifications at all (other than an art diploma), I wish I could go back and tell the younger me not to stress, I've followed my passion and not let negative people stop me, I've no debts, I'm independent and earning money.....things will work out in the end! It is true it's WHO you know though so I agree with the networking comments but I think that can be done with or without going to uni.
  10. The thing to remember is non of us know what we are doing really. My mum didn't know what she wanted to do until she was 40.......there's always time.
  11. that's the same frame and the same year model I learned trials on and competed with for my first year, except mine was an 18" and completely stock (cantilever brakes and all). Still got the frame in my dad's shed.
  12. Ali C

    Ali C Vlog

    that is the latest
  13. a Vlog of doing a comp would be a brilliant idea, not sure how that's slipped my mind, one for next year I think
  14. haha, I'm gonna go and call out comp riders in my next vlog then I'm actually not going to do that btw, can't hate something I spent 12 years doing even if it has changed somewhat.
  15. I was enjoying the live coverage but had to cut it short as I was riding in a show, I'd have liked to have seen Jack get the win, so stoked for him Andrei did a good job, I laughed at that comment but was a little annoyed when he remarked that this was real trials, all trials is real trials.
  16. Ali C

    Skye Updated

    I think with the right parts the colour will look really cool, I've never been a fan of matching forks either, I prefer it when the fork colour is the same as the bars, it balances better in my eyes.
  17. OI! Lets not forget who drilled all these "rules" into my head in the first place
  18. I thought that, but Danny gave me a bit what was going into the book and he's had a pretty interesting life! These last 7 years have been mental for him and he could probably have a separate book on each of the videos he's done. I think the other reason to get them out sooner is that you can actually remember the details this way too rather than looking back after a few decades.
  19. Actually just saw a video and the 70d has quite good focusing technology by the sounds of it....it'll be at the upper end of my budget but it could be a shout, thanks for the advice on lenses too!
  20. I had considered a dlsr but the size is a bit off putting and I've heard the auto focus can be a bit hit or miss. I must admit that the ability to have an external mic and that level of quality would be pretty good. What's the deal with micro usb to mic adaptors? Would they work?
  21. I' having a hard time deciding where to go camera wise for vlogging. I've just been using my gopro so far and it's been pretty good, I like I can point it at my face and I know it'll get me in shot, I also have lots of spares, they do good time lapse and don't take up much space. The down sides are that it doesn't have great low light quality, it's a fixed fish eye lens so I can't zoom or do any artistic stuff, the batterys don't last long and the small size lacks any image stabilisation. I bought myself a Canon G7X after seeing how popular they are with vloggers but after a couple of days use I'm not that impressed. The focus is fairly slow and makes audible clicking noises. It only shoots in 30 or 60fps which clash with lighting and make them flicker. The zoom is really slow and not actually that useful, having replaceable lenses would be handy, it also doesn't really do time lapse which is really shit oh and the battery life is probably worse than the gopro AND there's no mic input. I'm unsure what to do, I got the Canon second hand so I think I could sell it for pretty much what I got it for. I do like the ease of my gopro but I want more freedom with framing. I see Ribcage do a conversion that allows any lens to be used on a gopro, this could be what I'm after but at nearly £300 for just the kit (which you then have to fit by taking apart the Gopro) is a bit much, especially without the lens prices added. The other problem is that motorised lenses won't work so any focusing would have to be manual, not so bad if I got a fixed (slighty less extreme) fisheye for any selfie style shots and then swapped to a zoom type for other uses, still not great in low light though. I also like the look of the Sony A5100, a compact camera with interchangeable lenses like a dlsr, slightly expensive and no image stabilisation (fixable with the correct lens) and no mic input, but it can do time lapse (with a downloaded app to the camera), shoots in 24,25 and 29fps, can get lenses to suite my needs, has a decent battery life, great low light performance and super quick focusing. Any opinions? I'm still very novice when it comes to jargon or what lenses work so help is always handy. I'm going to sell a bike so I may have a bit of money to use but still less than £1000
  22. Ali C

    Ali C Vlog

    I didn't ride it as I can't ride anything at the moment (well, maybe my fixie...gently), I'll be on it as soon as I can ride again....I did my ankle in pretty badly (torn ligaments)
  23. really cool Ben, your riding is massive yet so smooth, great video!
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