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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. I dont get it!! My bike with uber light parts weghs more! my frames lighter, my forks are lighter, bars, tensioner, stem, cranks, TI COG, pedals, tyres, rims, hub and bb are all lighter!! The only things that are heavier is my rear vee setup, front brake caliper and bash (by about 10g). how is your bike so light???
  2. not quite the lightest wellgo mags with ti axles are 150g each, a pair weighs the same as one normal platform pedal!! Anyway, ti axles are awesome, never had any problems with mine, go get!
  3. a mid price vee with pads, cables, lever, caliper and 4 bolt to vee adaptor would be £106, thats with an SD7 setup, you could go cheaper by getting SD5 arms and lever and cheaper pads or you could go the whole hog and spend nearer £200 on an avid ultimate setup. The SD7 would be perfectly fine, but if you could strech to ulitmate arms, then its well worth doing!! I am not quite sure why they give so much hold, I think it could be due to the shape of the arm and when the brake is applied and the bike rocks backwards, its almost forcing the pads on a tad more due to the slight flex in the arms. I could be wrong though. either way, they have a LOT more hold than maggies!!
  4. it heard you talking about it!
  5. I couldnt disagree more!! Sure maggies have more bite, but for sheer holding brute force, they are no match for a good vee! Cable strech is sooooo minimal that its un-noticable! If you get some compressionless housing (like linear slick cables for £6) then the brake is stiffer than most maggies and have a much more positive feel. It seems to me people diss vees without actually trying a half decent setup, you would be suprised at how good they are and how nice they feel!!
  6. Ali C


    yeah wayne....chill duuuude!! I will be competing in the official events run by UKbiketrial as its the official series and I would like a decent result, but I'll also enter some of the other series too, blackpool sounds ace! I am not going to put gears on though, what categorys would that limit me to?
  7. titanium is lighter than steel but heavier than alloy Titanium is weaker than steel but stronger than alloy You dont have to use as much titanium as you do alloy in an aluminium frame, so the titanium one ends up lighter.
  8. I think the brake under the stays is a very good idea! the main gripe I have with maggies is that they have no hold (compared with vees anyway) I consider hold as THE most important aspect of a brake, I mean whats the point of a bitey brake when it means you cant get up anything because it slips back? I think around 80% of trials moves put backwards force on a brake (barr pedal gaps and hopping down slopes) and brakes dont rip off on current frames, so I can only think it would be stronger to have the mounters underneith.
  9. maguras have more bite but vees have more hold maguras dont get grit in cables but vees are easier to pull when clean vees are more adjustable, easier to set up, pads last longer (because they dont wobble) and vees are quieter.
  10. but surly once you have upgraded the maggie to have the same features and spent the same cash it would still be made from inferior metal and not have the trials specific details that the echo brake has.
  11. Ali C


    there is a weld there, but its just smoothed off.
  12. if that bike weighs what you say it does then I'll eat my hat! My bike with a lighter spec weighs more!
  13. if I find a vee adaptor, I might go!
  14. just watched it, those taps are just stupid! After watching him in the flesh the other day I am sure he is the best rider out there at the moment, the shortness of his runups are dam impressive!
  15. it would make it weaker as air is weaker than alloy
  16. Ali C

    Bmx Questions

    got to find some 5 stairs now, cant think of any within any local towns tailwhips..hmm, I'll get back to you in a few years!
  17. I am wanting to buy a bmx, this might be the kick up the ass to get one this week! I may just see you there mr bongo!
  18. Ali C

    Bmx Questions

    quality, I am getting one too! but I have a macneil sl seat and micro post thing, I am also going to be no pegs!
  19. Ali C

    Bmx Questions

    kinda bmx related.... How powerful are U brakes? more or less than vees? (on a grind with decent pads). Would an avid lever with the speed dial have the correct amount of cable pull? Can U brakes fit 2.5" tyres? and if I were to move the mounts out to fit a 47mm rim, would the upper arms foul each other when pulled? I would like a U brake on the trials bike you see, theres no noodle or bent cable around the back for dirt and grit to get in. I am thinking its VERY unlikley a u brake will fit, but hey, you never know!
  20. Ali C

    Koxx Days

    just remembered the rock I broke in the comp! it was huge! must be near a ton lol. Loads of people were watching and were shocked and laughed, it was ace! The observer checked my muscles afterwards and said I was very strong.
  21. Quad disks get good reviews and they are pretty cheap!
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