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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. didnt know there was a number 3!!
  2. as I cant ride the British champs round at hook woods due to clashing with the bike show I might ride your comp instead, I havnt sent any forms off as I didnt know about the other comp clashing plus I dont have a rear vee adaptor yet, soI still might not be able to make it....either way, I'll give you a ring tomorrow fred.
  3. had the last week off due to giving back my borroed brake adaptors, I should have ordered some new ones as soon as I got back from france!!
  4. cool stuff matt! is it going to be dual disk? Cant wait to see it built
  5. awesome! gotta love the umpa lumpa style roll at the end
  6. getting better all the time matey! Thats some pretty tech natty lines your doing, liked the spanish bits too When the vid started I was well happy because I love that tune, I didnt like it when that stopped and the other tune came on though Nice vid though
  7. the one on the ashton is miiiine alll miiiine!!!
  8. 27.5mm rings a bell for me, its not as fat as 31.8 anyway.
  9. Ali C

    Partz + Koxx Days

    hows it going matt? I think B would be good, but if its 3 tapes worth, thats gonna be a looooong vid!
  10. exactly the type of riding I like and would like to do....top stuff!
  11. vittorio brumotti (expert world champion) uses those bars, I used to use eastons, they are not that bad a shape, plus you can get used to just about any shape if you use it for long enough.
  12. Ali C

    Halo 6-drive

    it had exactly the same internals as that one. I only had it on for an hour, but it skipped a few times, enough for me to take it off and never use again.
  13. Ali C

    Leg Hair...

    didnt realise people shaved their armpit hair!!! I cant be arsed to shave my face let alone armpits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Ali C

    Bmx Questions

    I have a question...... .....why do I suck so much at bmxing? seriously though, I grew up doing all kinds of riding, trials, dh, xc, dirt jump so I always considered myself a failry decent all rounder. Get me on a bmx and point a ramp at me though and it all goes tits up! Name a trick and I cant do it! even riding the ramps scares the shit out of me. I think its the speed and tyre hardness I cant get used to, the bike reacts totally different to anything else trials wise. Another thing is I get easily intimidated around better riders, even if (as in most cases) they are younger than me. I think being good at trials has made me used to feeling a bit high and mighty (not in a big headed way!!), boshing me on a bike I cant do shit on in front of really good kids isnt somthing I am used to, it kinda knocks you down a peg. anyway, I am still tempted to get a proper bmx, but every time I go out I'll feel depressed about being shit, I am not looking forward to learning stuff either, looks a bit painful if I come off and could take away trialsin time. Pah, I love trials sooooooooo much more, I think I like to watch bmx more than I like to ride it.
  15. Ali C

    Halo 6-drive

    kinda tested the dmr virsion, wasnt too impressed.
  16. I dont get cramp, but I get arm pump which is basicly the same really. The biggest improvment I found for reducing is was using a vee brake!! I tried everything before, 7 years of having cramps I never found any thing to work except vees. Vees didnt just reduce it either, it practically got rid of it completley!! I have adapted my style too, I always trackstand by being on a slope or in a rut so I can take the brakes off, or being quick through easy bits so you dont have time to get cramps. anyway, good luck getting rid of it, its such a pain in the arse!!!
  17. they are completley different!
  18. wtf did he do to them lol? Had mine over a year and the bearings are still good, same with my friend whos had his for 2 years.
  19. man that sucks about clashing looks like I am not there then
  20. didnt get a bmx, but I have my 24" streety bmxy bike, I might pop in.....I'll see if iolo will come too!
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