I have a question...... .....why do I suck so much at bmxing? seriously though, I grew up doing all kinds of riding, trials, dh, xc, dirt jump so I always considered myself a failry decent all rounder. Get me on a bmx and point a ramp at me though and it all goes tits up! Name a trick and I cant do it! even riding the ramps scares the shit out of me. I think its the speed and tyre hardness I cant get used to, the bike reacts totally different to anything else trials wise. Another thing is I get easily intimidated around better riders, even if (as in most cases) they are younger than me. I think being good at trials has made me used to feeling a bit high and mighty (not in a big headed way!!), boshing me on a bike I cant do shit on in front of really good kids isnt somthing I am used to, it kinda knocks you down a peg. anyway, I am still tempted to get a proper bmx, but every time I go out I'll feel depressed about being shit, I am not looking forward to learning stuff either, looks a bit painful if I come off and could take away trialsin time. Pah, I love trials sooooooooo much more, I think I like to watch bmx more than I like to ride it.