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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. I wouldnt take anything I say as official (unless we are talking about beards and cave men) but I kinda heard/ was told/ read that was the case.
  2. I am pretty sure you can drop a round as I missed the first British Champs round at hook woods due to riding the bike show, so thats my throw away round.
  3. paint can be up to and beyond 200g, thats like half a pound off the bike. anodising is lightest though, and tougher...I wouldnt worry about it being more brittle, think how many anodised parts there are on the bike.
  4. what a week!! I can honestly say I have never worked as hard, for as many hours and for as many days as I did from wed last week till today! Had a lot of late nights at tartys helping bulding stuff, packing stuff etc. Got to the show on thursday to start setting the stall up, it was obviouse from the start it was a lot smaller than years of past, they could have had a lot more space for stands if there wasnt the big stuffed toy thing and half the amount of seating. The trials course was ok, they did a good job with what was given to them, but I am sure if gilles had free roam of the trials arena it would have been spectacular. The timing for the shows was poor to say the least! Even if the top 10 riders in the world were riding, I doubt they would have found many more lines than we did and with the timing of the shows I doubt many more people would have been there to see them. Its a shame all the top riders ask so much to perform too. The highlight of the show to me was meeting tarty customers, its always good to put names to faces, I also enjoyed riding the dirt jumps on my ashton and whooping everyone on the 4x sprint (what a joke btw)
  5. good stuff chris, lovley pics.
  6. these are the oldest pics I have, from 2003 I think, its a shame I cant find any of me on my pashley from 1999 from 2004 last year
  7. after riding buthiers I am AMASED at how big the natty riders can go, theres a 56" tap Gilles did that is just one pedal, uphil over a rock and the tap is over hanging! or the tap kenny does thats shoulder hight again with a short uphill runup, or the hook that I can barley reach with my hands or the gap benito does up to a rock that I cant even do jumping on my feet and landing in a climbing position....the list is endless. They can go soooooo big on natural its unreal! I find street frustrating, its too repetative, I get bored quick which frustrates me....the only street I like is flowy bmxy lines. Also, I havnt seen lycra in comps for years (at least in the uk), saying only street riders have a laugh is a bit narrow minded
  8. I'll be there for sure!
  9. sorry, but that is the WORST spelling I have ever read in my life!!
  10. lol, there were 3!! I managed to get the smallest one on a stick before it went in a hole. Its a bloody adder too, iolo and everyone were trying to stroke it saying "its only a grass snake" ha ha ha, I knows an adder when I see one
  11. you gay boy, hopes are mint!! I know for a fact his king has slipped, I heard it;) thats one more time than I heard his king slip and one more time than my hopes ever skipped anyway, I am sure stan would want comments on his vid that your hope bashing lol
  12. Ali C

    Mr. Iolo

    pads are on the back burner at the moment, I am buying some stock of backings (send me your addressl Chris!) and looking for some new rubber, but they will be back soon. its worth waiting for Iolo, his bashes are pretty neat!
  13. because he is a weight weenie!!
  14. I had a bb7 with old rotor, then swapped to a gothic rotor and it juddered just as you say, however, I recently swapped from a normal rotor to a wavy magura one with no juddering. Make sure your caliper is setup perfectly, the pads hitting square and even, if one side is hitting first it can cause the problem, also, make sure your pads are in good condition with no grooves or chuncks missing. If you do want a new rotor, get a hope mono mini saw rotor, the braking band width is perfect for bb7s and they look the nutz!
  15. Ali C

    Disc Pads

    I have been using the organic pads with great results, but saying that...the standard pads arnt shit either.
  16. have a look at some monty bars, they have more rise than zoos and a nicer shape
  17. Ali C


    maybe just save the money and replace bits as they break/wear out...theres nothing worse than spending all your money and then have somthing else break and not be able to afford to fix it.
  18. patt, we need to chat, I would like to get the same flight, where is everyone staying? I would like to stay with everyone else, so any info would be great.
  19. I rather enjoyed that! Mint music, really went with the riding, I know you said you didnt think much of the editing, but I liked it, really simple but worked well. Also nice to see you out in all weathers, looks like your improving even if the bike does look too small:P
  20. I like a fairly high front end, it makes the bike more flicky, easier to bunnyhop and generally lark about on..not sure if I entierly agree that a high front end is easier with taps though, I find a lower setup gan get the bigger hights. but a higher front is deffo more fun.
  21. VERY nice looking! best zoot I have seen, colours go nicley. I was riding today and I felt my bars were too far forward so I have tilted them back, but your bars are twice as far forward as I had mine! lol plus your brake levers are pretty vertical...do you not feel your bike is just rear wheel biast? do you not go over the bars when you hit a pebble?
  22. Ali's top 3 ways of getting better: 1) ride as often as possible, the more you ride, the better you get 2) ride with someone better than you, riding with someone pushes you more than on your own even if they are not all that great, but someone better than you shows you techniques you might not otherwise pickup. 3) Enter some comps, riding natural combined with riding with a bunch of good riders combined with a competative attitude is a really good way of getting better.
  23. bloody awesome! just bloody awesome, such good shots, amazing timing and mint angles! Thanks for posting them!
  24. that was quick Adam, was a beast of a ride, nice to see some Anal and JTM action too, not seen them in ages. That last tap looks tiny in that pic, but it was pretty much shoulder hight, its gonna be rinsed by me and stan next time!
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