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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. I simply find comps the most fun type of riding. I agree with wayne that the money in trials is all in the demos, but to be honest I dont like doing demos as much as I like comps or just riding generally....its fun to do a demo every once and a while, but I wouldnt want to do them full time, its a LOT of work, much more than most people think, that means I would have less time to ride for fun, less time to do comps and a few demo riders have said that it can take the fun out of riding all together.
  2. first off BIIIIIIIG thanks to Barbara and co for all the effort you put in to make the comp happen, you deserve loads of respect! I hope you have a good wedding Barbara (is it Chris's?) The weather was FANTASTIC, got a bit burnt, but thats all good. Was nice to see so many people there too. I do think the sections were too easy though, but that may be due to them being set out in a gale and pissing rain, but it would be nice to see more big moves rather than little techy things. I feel the winner should be just about on single points, yesterdays comp had a bit of luck invlolved as to what position you came, a single dab ruined any chances of winning which is a shame. I know its hard to set sections out and fair play to people who did well (not me lol), but harder sections next time, if I am free and its local enough I would like to set out at other comps.
  3. I ride because I love riding, if it was the case of I just wanted money or sponsorship, I would have left trials a long time ago!
  4. rock pad greens!! deffo the BEST pads for smooth rims
  5. I havnt been there that long, so I am still learning all the prices and facts about the parts, I also need to learn how to do payments, once I do I will be answering the phones too.
  6. a random room in the office area......mmmmmm a fridge would be sooo nice!
  7. yep, it is good for the sport, who cares if theres annoying kids, just let them be annoying on their own. I am top 3 in the country and top 3 in the worlds in expert, any guesses to how much money I won? how much more help and sponsorship I got? NON!! I have to pay lots to enter comps. If this was a mainstreem sport I would be expecting a LOT more out of it......I met a runner the other day when riding, he was top 3 in the country and got £14,000 a year just to run! So the more parents buying their kids bikes, the more annoying kids buying bike just to be "cool" the better, more money will be going back into the sport, bigger companies will want to sponsor riders, more prize money will be available.... I cant see ANY bad points!
  8. I consider the simtra to have the best geo out of all of those!
  9. streety frames have a steeper head angle but usually a shorter wheelbase to keep the reach within reason. 375 chainstays are not long! lol, they are short (too short imo) 380 chainstays have the perfect comprimise of rearwheel control, gapping power and manual/bunnyhopping efficency. just an example of how geo can change a bike.....My old ashton had a 1055 wheelbase....pretty short in todays frames BUT it had a 73 degree head angle which made the reach the same as a 1080 control frame. So theres a lot more to a bike than wheelbase. PS, DONT get high bb frame (+30 or more) they are gash unless you like exspensive pogosticks and ride tgs style.
  10. the more mainstreem the better! more money in the sport, more sponsorship, bigger better events, better bikes etc
  11. Ali C

    Bmx Questions

    new question.....cranks, whats hot and whats not? The frame will have a mid bb, do the bearings come with the cranks or frame, or do they need buying seperatly?
  12. tartybikes will be open as usual on monday!! the new warehouse is awesome, hopefully adam or dave will post some pics up, everythings more organised now and we should be EVEN more efficient!
  13. Ali C

    Bmx Questions

    I'll start ordering some parts on monday I think, I dont wanna get it all at once because I think I'll have a heart atack at how much it costs, but in chunks it seems better lol thanks for the help mark, really handy! Actually, I just remembered a dream I had last night, I was at some bmx/trials jam and you were there mark on your bmx, it was blue and brakeless and the best riding bike I have ever been on, I was 360 bunny, tailwhipping, foot jamming, it felt soooooooooo real! I was really disapointed when I woke up
  14. Ali C

    Bmx Questions

    cheers mark, very helpful! On the tyres rfont, what would I be looking at if I just wanted grip rather than weight saving, I have been using tioga slick 1000 things on my 24" and they seem pretty turd, fast but turd, can I expect grippier than them?
  15. Ali C

    Bmx Questions

    yo still getting a bmx, just saving some dosh up. I am still unsure wether to get a fully built bike and trust the designers and speccers (new word?) that it would ride nice and be up to the job without tooooo much upgrading (barr some lighter parts) As I pointed out previously I like the look of a WTP pheonix...however I cant seem to find them on customriders any more (would need to buy from them to get at trade price) My other (more expsensive) option would be to custom build one. I have very little experience with bmx so I am not totally sure on what I like. I know I dont like uber short bikes, but I do want one I can bunnyhop easily. the Fly Bikes 3 Amigos Frame has caught my attention. I know Fly frames (especially the Pantera) are meant to be nice and I like the sound of the seat being more out of the way...I will probably be running the seat slammed too. Has anyone got any views on that frame? I was thinking about getting the 21" and short 13.75" chainstays as that will bepretty lanky, but me being 5ft 10 is that frame too long? would the 20.6" be a better option? How do the chainstays effect the handling, my views are longer are better for manuals, but shorter is better for bunnyhops and spins? also, info on what bars have a decent shape would be cool, I like a lot of upsweep on my trials bike, I know bmx is different, but are there a reccommended pair to get? ALSO, I will be after some grippy tyres, they will be mainly used for park or street, are the light weight KHEs any good, I fancy a really light bike, I would be tempted to run tubless which would eliminate puncture issues. Any help on general "what parts are good and light" would be cool too.
  16. yeah I reccomed waiting for the next gen ones to be in at tartybikes, they will be worth the wait!
  17. I shall be staying at home and driving to the comp in the morning
  18. titanium bashes and headsets are heavier than alloy ones. another vote goes to a ti bb, I had an fsa one for a year and it was great.
  19. not a fan sorry and how low are those bars on the 26"?? I have higher bars on my +15mm bb frame enjoy your pogosticks
  20. dont ask aquward questions!! My ashton proto kinda broke (shame, cos it was REALLY nice) but I guess thats what protos are for though! Cool pics wayne, shame your chain was playing up though
  21. I dont do horror films, this one looks too scary for me!
  22. yeah you can run a 22 tooth cog, surly make screw on ones.
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