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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. I want to go, no idea how I am getting there though
  2. Ali C

    Hose Splitter

    saw one exactly the same in japan last year, but fair play basher, its a nice idea.
  3. they are more alu then they are carbon, they'll be fine to cut down.
  4. the way I see it, if your too tall for a short mod, then you should go stock, non of these silly long pogostick of a bikes. I voted long stock, short mod.
  5. Ali C

    Brake Pads

    its on Adam Reads random ready bike (new phrase) that he clobbered together, its had a few tests by me, stan and dave in the warehouse and carpark, me especially trying to wear them down to see their life span, adams had one street ride on them too., yet to see any wear. pleasently suprised.
  6. it WILL have man made stuff, need practise for all the indoor and uci man made style comps now don't we
  7. Ali C

    Brake Pads

    rock pad greens are VERY good on a light grind, no wear yet on adams pair either, I am very impressed!
  8. update got funding!!! not sure how much as the paper work hasnt come through yet, but its deffo got the go ahead! I am going up again soon to confirm the ideas on courses and stuff, also going up on the 4th of July to show possible sponsors and funders what its all about, so hopfully more money will become available.
  9. quality riding!! Looks like stan is getting pretty used to his bike now, not suprised though, it is rather lovley! Adam, you suit 26"!! Those are some beast taps too! nice one. I would have come out, but I am exahusted, nearly fell asleap driving home, went to bed at 9 lol.
  10. I'll be there, I love brimham! I wont be riding the two day event though, got a round of the british champs on the same weekend.
  11. I am sure adams camera has a magic "make things look smaller" feature! That was possible THE best weekends riding ever! had such a laugh, got to ride by the sea, got sun burnt, got to stay in a dodgy geordie house. Ali tap, doesn't look that big... ... but it is. (cheers for these two pics Steve ) Video out... whenever lazy Stan does it That tap was 59" looks tiny lol. Last sidehop was about 50" too, I am pretty dam happy! PS, will have my new ashton very soon!!
  12. nothing like a good old measure after a big move is pulled, unless its then smaller than you thought in which case it sucks!
  13. when we have an order, we put the order number down as many times as there is the griffles (mine and stans name for raffle grips) in the order, so if you order 20 grips in a single order, we'll put your order number in the spreadsheet 20 times
  14. it was a cool comp but VERY slippery!! some tough sections. Scott did well with 3rd! This was my first proper comp in Master category, it was hard! I am very happy with 4th though, same I didnt drop 1 less dab and get 3rd though, thats very annoying!!!!
  15. I would rather be slim and strechy over muscly and restricted. Instead of getting bigger muscles, do power moves, exsplosive jumps...its the springyness thats important (and what I need more of!)
  16. you sure? if thats true, I would like to see anyone sidehop 10" withought a tuck let alone 50"!!
  17. I vote Dani Comas!! he never seems to tuck.
  18. it is possible, but it feels sooooo bad, its not worth doing! You will have to find some new seals to suite mineral oil to go in the hope lever. The piston ratio is so small that the lever is spongy as hell and you have to have the pads setup pratically touching the rim the whole time. either get a maggie or deng brake, or be extra happy and get a vee.
  19. just been out on my own, it was great, sessioned a barge on the canal for a bit, but it kept on floating away spent about 2 hours riding though, was very cool.
  20. more hold, lighter lever veel, more adjustable, pads last longer, quieter, spair parts can be bought in any bike shope all over the wolrd, pads can be replaced easier and quicker.
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