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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. so...your saying I 5'ed the wall?
  2. yeah, I agree that a fully vert wall would be harder, but that doesnt make this any smaller, its still the same hight...just slightly easier.
  3. so the wall is smaller than 57"?
  4. you'll have to come and show me how to do it then
  5. made it over a 57" wall on rear wheel from a tap = tapped
  6. I have a modyfied shimano deore/xt hollowtech 1 combo which is machined to take a freewheel or screw on cogs......they are very light, very stiff and the bb bearings are smooth as hell!
  7. top of the slope, had to keep it to rear as theres a small drop on the other side. it was my shoulder high, my shoulders are 57.5", I missed out the .5" as thats getting picky lol
  8. 57" tap thing for the win! cheers for filming matt, wont be able to use it otherwise martyn will get mad at me though.
  9. like adam said, I do 35 miles each way, its not too bad, get to listen to my cool music and chris moyels in the morning.
  10. eeeup, got some tubes I want sticking together, dont know what glue to use though...any suggestions? Any shops that I can go to and buy it? Cheers
  11. I'll be there, thats enough reson to go on its own! that trees cool, hope its used again!
  12. "wow thats nice, wish i had one!" someone has good taste in brakes!
  13. never had one, had a couple of moments with the police, had my name taken once, but I hardly ever ride street...thats the advantage of natural, you dont get in trouble as much.
  14. nothing wrong with vees at all. I prefer them over maggies any day! came 3rd in the world in expert with a rear vee! Been using it for over a year now and I cant see me using a maggie again.
  15. tarty raffle grips? get decent grips and get entered in a (kick ass) comp at the same time.
  16. we try to supply spokes for 3x when possible, but we dont have every spoke length available so sometimes we supply spokes to fit 2x or 4x instead. have you checked your recipt? if the spoke lengths are not on the spokes then they are usually written in the notes section on the recipt.
  17. good shit! like the one of stan pushing bezzel over the gap did anyone tgs it up on their bike?
  18. ask me again on wed as I am off up there to do some riding to show possible sponsors what its all about and hopfully they will hand over some more dosh!
  19. Ali C

    Hope Saw Rotor

    they fit avids peeeerfectly! loads nicer than standard avid rotors.
  20. I did it first you basher...I think its 55" too
  21. old skool! I was at work experience with orange when that frame was in proto stages, I remember seeing different styles of those frames in differeing development stages.
  22. reminds me of the old gt flatland bikes. I like it
  23. good shit, your just trying to make me jelous of not going Craigs bike is looking neat? Is that a new echo lite I spot? Glad stan got that sidehop, I know he was eager to get it after he was injured last time and didnt try it.
  24. he could still save weight by having alu bolts in his maggie bleed holes, an alu bolt in is top cap (unless its just a silver slue one) a lighter headset, ti axles for his pedals and so on.
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