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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. Adams a legend!! I remember always riding shipley with him, he was awesome! Such big stuff on a super short bike with super short stem too! That taps massive too! about 58"! I did it pedaling wooo, but when adam did it all those years ago I was amazed!
  2. that rotor doesnt fit, the rivets hit the pads, also, the braking band (how deep the braking surface is) isn't deep enough for mono trials brakes.
  3. Ali C


    not light! heavy! one of those pedals weighs the same as both of mine. Pretty nice pedals though, just keep an eye on the bushings
  4. viz or atomzs forms, seriously the best forks out at the moment!
  5. I thought the comp was awesome! One of the best I have been to so far, the amazing venue has a part to play, I love it there! The journey down was easy, one of the quickest easiest drives to devon I have done, the roads werent even wet lol! Shame mike and matt were locked in though! The sections were long and tough with some big moves in, good practice for the upcomming worlds this year. Section 7(?) was pretty scary with a big gap, but I managed to uci clean it both times which was nice. I had a bad start by 5ing my first section, DOH! But I got in the rythm and got through all the other sections for a couple more dabs, Time was tight with the length of them, but I thought they were spot on. My second lap started the same as the first, a 5! exactly the same as my first lap too, you would have thought I would have learnt by then! I again managed to get through most of the other sections other than another stupid 5! but somehow I ended up with 1 less dab than my first lap. I was pretty happy in doing the comp all pretty much uci, only hit my pedal 3 times I think, good practice for fort bill in september overall I came 3rd in master, andrei pretty much told me I had come 2nd (the b*****d!) but he beat me to the post. Roll on Rochdale!
  6. those chainstay yolk plates are just like my old golbals.......flexy as cooked pasta! and next to no tyre clearence
  7. was a GREAT ride! nice suprise meeting Phil and co too, made it more fun Pics are sweet, cheers for taking the time to take them adam keeping the new lense?
  8. looks great! I would never have the patience to actually finnish a project like that, well done. Who gets to keep it?
  9. sat was the only dry day I have seen for the past 4 weeks I think...had a comp yesterday in the pissing rain. Been sunnytoday untill 3ish, then pissed it down, was sunny on the way home and I was just off out riding when its pissed it down again! I am VERY pissed off!! I dont mind riding in the wet normally, but after 4 weeks, I am getting stressed, its just heavy rain allll the time!! grrrrrrrr
  10. the difference between hollowtech 1 and 2 is that hollowtech 1 is 3 peice with an internal bb, hollowtech 2 is two piece with an external bb and the axle is pernamently bonded to the drive side crank. You cant make hollowtech 2 cranks into screw on cranks, but hollowtech 1 cranks can be machined down and a threaded adapter bonded on to accept freewheels or cogs.
  11. yep, I enjoyed it too, I liked the rain, its a different kind of challenge. I am happy with 2nd, I recken I could have finnished on 3 if I didnt put my feet down elsewhere anyway, finnished on 21 and 20 of those dabs were in 5s! annoying. Well done to Mr Tart for winning, same to Wad and danny.
  12. cool stuff, nice riding! those rocks look cool. Its a shame Adams camera has a "make things look smaller" feature! where is that quarry? up near kendal, morecambe, lancaster area I am presuming?
  13. I knew those green rims would suit it! It rides VERY nicley! I did a "test" on daves czar and adams 221 ti....I think daves bike was the winner, but thats probably because it had a higher front end. (the test was a 360 front pivot btw) Daev needs to flog his bikes, they are taking up too much room! PS, I dont think any of us drink tea and coffee, the kettle is pretty lonley. PPS we dont even have time for tea and coffee!!! PPPS I want a web cam too!
  14. actually, tra is a weight weenie too! lol I think he said his bike weighs 20.9lbs, cant be much more than vinces!
  15. cant say I watch it, my parents do, but I find it extremley boring, a bit like I find F1 boring too.
  16. ti axles are gold, but hard to get hold of now.....I am glad I got mine when I did
  17. 500g saved on the bike is like 5lbs saved on your body!
  18. Ali C

    Stupid Computer!

    I think I have sorted it,,, test test...1 2 3 timmy tom drank tea tearfully tonight........dont do what donny dont does....... howmuchwoodcanawoodchuckchuckwhenawoodchuckcouldchuckwood?...........she sells sea shells on the sea shore cool, seems to work now, cheers for the help.
  19. ok< i accidently held down shift for * seconds and a little screen came up telling me somthing had happened and it wanted a responce< i clicked cancel thinking it would just be normal but its done somthing pretty mayjor to my computer! i cant scroll down the page with my mouse wheel< it just changes the address in my toolbar< i cant click on text as it just highlights it all to where i am clicking< i cant talk on msn as i try to press enter and it just makes a new line rather than showing the message to others< even when i click send< it just makes another line! any ideas on whats happend and how to sort it?
  20. seems average taps have gotten bigger! anyway, seems silly to argue, but ahwell....if that was in a section and I tapped it and did a hop to make it fully up, I am pretty sure most people would class that as a tap (unless I name it as a new move I call it THE C TAP) and if it was in a section and i tapped it and kept it to rear< then that would calss as a C tap and class as a clean
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