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Ali C

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  1. Ali C


    which one of us was stood less than a foot away from it waddy?
  2. Ali C


    just painted steel ones
  3. bearings I think its the first ones, take a look at what they say on your bearings to make sure though. PS, I couldnt get the old bearings out to save my life!
  4. nope, lever is seperate
  5. looking good joe, hows the first impressions over the pure?
  6. look good! I'll be there riding.
  7. lol, thats a different way of looking at it. surly going big costs more than going smaller and smoother, everyone wants to be the next cls, tunny or damon, but they have made it hard for the rest of the tgs riders to get noticed as they go so big. Going smaller and being smooth with your own style is more attractive to potentiol sponsors, plus its kinder on the bike and will cost less in repairs. Also, going smooth doesnt mean you'll always be doing small moves.....look at Stan, he can gap over 9ft flat and never rim out, he can go REALLY big, but I dont think I have ever seen him snap a part, in my eyes thats the way to go riding wise.
  8. just seems your trying to go too big too soon without getting the fundamentals down first (wouldnt have messed up in the air then). Seen a few friends who could barley trackstand yet they had the idea they needed to huck themselves off big walls, your not as bad as them obviously, but its kinda the impression I get.
  9. sorry to hear it Danny, get well soon! I do get the saying "trying to run before you can walk" in my head though
  10. Ali C


    you cant really comment if you havnt tried one, its not just the movments, the gyroscopic movment inside the ball can get up to the equivelent of 30lbs (or somthing like that) try getting a bike wheel, spinning it and then twist it with your hands, its hard, the powerball is the same, but smaller and lighter. Also, £12 is a wee bit cheaper than going to a gym and it can be done while watching tv or somthing. I got bored of mine though, it gives me blisters on my little fingers (my best was 12000 though)
  11. narr, we went to the UCI world cup round in belgium the weekend before and I couldnt afford to go to both. Not really into BIU comps as much now. Well done to Scott for 3rd!
  12. get a pan, put water in, put pad in, put on cooker and let it boil for a few mins....never failed with me.
  13. heh heh, yeah, do that boiling water always does the trick for me.
  14. grounded might just be the 2nd bmx vid I have bought (after Expendable), it looks SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good!
  15. looking good craig, sweet riding, vid was a bit short though, get another one done soon buddy
  16. natural, I ride rocks nearly every day with the odd street ride inbetween
  17. cramped!!! it was lanky as fook, far too long for my liking.
  18. +20mm ashton or a +30mm czar, both lush. Controls are nice, cant complain about them
  19. Thats no problem, just pull both brakes at the same time, I had a ride on in on the warm up area, its a nice bike!
  20. now I have some time to myself I'll say more about the trip. I went with stan in his van, the traffic was pretty bad on the trip to dover and we missed our ferry, we got on a later one though which was cool. We ended up in belgium pretty late, we didnt have a map though, only some vague directions to our hotel, at 3am we found it! that was a pretty stressful drive!! The next day we had to get up early and go sign on, this also gave us a chance to look at the sections. The layout was cool, 6 sections all very close together on the beach with a grandstand, music playing and people already sitting down ready to watch...there was a cool warmup area too made from a demo rig and some pallets/cable reels, that attracted a bit of an audience too (especially when the top guys were on there!) The sections were all rocks placed in the sand except for one section made from concrete tubes, I was a tad dissapointed in no wooden section, but I cant complain really. Qualifying was on saturday with over 30 riders in 26", the top 10 get moved into the semi finals, my goal for the weekend was to get in that top 10, I wasnt sure if it was going to be possible, especially as its my first ever uci world cup. The sections were very techy, there were a few big moves, but it was mostly balance that was needed, I cleaned a few sections, but it was very easy to get a five, too many dabs, time, tape boundaries, pedal dabs, they soon racked up the points. It was awesome with the music and the crowd though, they really supported the riders and cheered when they got out of a section. I rode ok, I didnt think I had done well enough, but fortunatly I had just about qualified!! I was REALLY happy! I saw the sections for the semi that evening...they were HAAAARD! such a difference between qualifying! You needed power as well as balance and endurence, I think I remember ben slinger saying it was the hardest world cup semis he had seen. I seemed to ride a tad better, I guess that was the time to do so too. I got out of a few sections, but I also 5ed a few too. I cleaned the concrete section both times which was cool and I beat Vinceant Hermance in a section too!!! I got 1 dab, he got 3! Thats my highlight of the comp! I was also happy to beat Joe Brewer too and I was 1 dab off Wes Beleay (though he did have the worst ride of his life!) I ended up 11th, I am VERY happy with that, the top 8 got moved to the final....my future goal is to get into a final, although, the finals were sooooooooooooooo hard its untrue! Kenny is a beast! I cant believe some of the stuff he can do, its amazing! I hope Andrei's hand gets better soon, it was a pretty harsh crash! PHILL AND JOE, get your pics up!
  21. 06 adamant a1, 06 czar, 06 pitbulls, GUs, HIFIs!!!!! Anything with a bb hight over 40mm really....oh, and mods!
  22. Ali C 11th, slinger 12th best comp ever!
  23. yes! Can I have a go on it at the weekend?
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