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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. haha, no thanks! Blackburn was hard work! My arms were killing me. Not sure if I could cope with a full day out, might see if my mum is free, she might be able to help out in the afternoon and I would come and say hi.
  2. tempting! will give me some fresh air anyway.
  3. I am bored Seen the new RB levers for sale at the biu worlds and stuff, not sure if they have a new website or anything, but they are still making them thats for sure.
  4. they get grit and other bits in and eventually wear out, you cant expect seals to last for ever, especially Fur seals!
  5. looks weird to me, somthing isnt quite right, it kinda looks like it wants ot look like a stock, but its just small Bars look well low too
  6. That wasnt it, not even close, but thanks all the same. Anyone else?
  7. doesnt look like I'll be riding, shame really as I love shipley glen! I might see if I can get a lift up and watch a bit, could get everyone to sign my cast too
  8. that was awesome! those taps on the sloped wall were pretty nuts, also the front wheel gaps! What was tune at the end? I have always wanted it!
  9. dave you mincer! Learn to ride properly! I want to draw a big hairy spider cock on your cast. You'll be riding again matey, although you do know what they do to injured horses
  10. yeah dave, gonna be odd with you not around, good luck with mountain cycle and future plans
  11. Ali C


    From the album: Ali C's

  12. Ali C


    From the album: Ali C's

  13. pretty dodgy, wasnt a trials rider though, just some drunk guy on a shitty bike by the looks of it. Why did he walk down the track instead of climbing back up? Too drunk?
  14. good stuff matey, nice gaps and taps. Whats the orange bike? Take care Al
  15. my cats 19 years old
  16. Ali C


    nope, this was a random turkey just walking around my house, must of escaped from somwhere, the point still stands that it correctly said I was riding the comp!
  17. Ali C


    the random turkey on my patio told me I will be going tomorrow....it was right too!
  18. that was cool, cheers for posting it
  19. the stock is ugly and the mod is good looking (man, never thought I would say somthing like that!)
  20. wont be there, will be at the YMSA instead...have fun guys
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