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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. wont go in the other way
  2. awesome, looks lush! cant wait to have a go!
  3. I think I'll be there in the afternoon just to say hi
  4. whole bb goes in the drive side, the loose cup goes in the non drive. Grease the threads and pop the non drive in a few turns then screw in the drive side all the way and tighten HARRD (note: the drive side is opposite thread!!) Once thats in, tighten the non drive side HARRD! Jobs done.
  5. done BTW, there is a pub at the bottom of the acess road to the quarry
  6. nice to hear everyone is interested should hopfully have a few comps up there once its done too PS. 15 mins away...I win
  7. Dont think a skate park would be so pratical, this quarry is a little exposed, the park would need to be indoors and we dont have the funds for that as well as everything else. People camp there at the moment, I am not sure if the council agree with people doing that or not, but hopfully (if I have my way) camping will be allowed at the quarry when its all done.
  8. got those on my computer (only two were done) when I have the internet connected next door I'll post them up. Ash, I am pretty sure camping will be allowed, if not at the quarry then very locally. we are still open to suggestions on what people would like to have there, better to know before building than after!
  9. Theres still going to be the 32 milesish of xc riding + dh type stuff, I am sure there will be jumps on the trails but I dont think there's a specific dirt jump area.
  10. update: I believe the funds for the quarry are pretty healthy (waiting on a confirmation on exactly how much) and work will start in december and finnish on the 31st of march! I'll keep updating as I hear things.
  11. I cant tell the difference, what have you shopped? REALLY nice pic though! stands out to me.
  12. Ali C

    Pace Forks

    they arnt super light though, but he has had them for all the amount of time I have known him!
  13. Ali C

    Pace Forks

    I think they are 420mm long, they are not the strongest forks ever, but the vee ones I remember being stronger than the 4 bolt ones beacue they dont have quite the stress riser from the weld around the 4 bolt mounts. They are also heavyish (1000g ish).
  14. Ali C

    Bigman New Vid.

    I enjoyed viewing that video, ta
  15. Ali C

    New Bike

    should be an improvment over the mbk looks light...any idea on total weight? Not a fan of the front maggie, especially on the rear of the forks! Waddys is gash And I hate the colour orange!!
  16. didnt like half life 2, too short and too linear, there was no freedom like far cry gives you. Plus I completed HL 2 in about 2-3 days, it took me nearly 2 months to complete Far Cry!
  17. my complete colection of itunes music has disapeared! there was approx 2 gig of tunes, I cant find them anywhere!
  18. I am too used to tony hawks style controls to play the Dave Mirra games, they frustrate the hell out of me!
  19. if anyone is wanting some first person shooters for a pc, then get Return to Castle Wolfenstien and Far Cry (and Crysis when it comes out) They are the best games I have ever played in my life!
  20. harder to bend a 160 than it is a 180. I have to say Wes's 160 hope on his Ozonys was pretty good.
  21. couldn't pay me enough to watch them!
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