another update. Ian Johnson a possible contracted trail builder (built a shed load of trails in wales, scotland and other places) just came round to mine to discuss building of the trials side of the quarry. Basicly, he can do pretty much anything I (we) want. he can import tons of granit, limestone and other boulders and put them exactly where they need to be, he can re shape the small hills and slopes in the quarry, insert concrete pipes into bankings, make ditches......what I am saying is he has (well, his company) an arsnel of earth moving machines, even helicoptors if needed. impressive! I have given him some ideas on what I would like to see in the quarry, shown him some vids of uci world rounds, vids from trials parks and also a few pictures. He also came up with some ideas (rails with grippy coating, motorway barriors (the metal curvy ones) and others. What I want is everyone to tell me what they personally would like to see there, prefrebly not burnable (pallets, railway sleepers) and the cheaper the better. Some photos, vids or diagrams would go down well too. I am off up to the quarry on sat with Ian to actually walk the quarry and physicly show what areas I would like to use. If your free then your more than welcome to come up too.