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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. I really liked it! HD slow mo is awesome, more please
  2. forgot about this footage! Thanks for the comments guys, the bike is awesome to ride! once I get used to it I am sure there will be some more vids out (HD perhaps )
  3. Ali C


    acs are different from tensiles, therefore I reccomend a tensile again, theres nothing outhere thats as good as the tensile for less money.
  4. yeah, theres a slight difference. The montys are sliiightly thinner and the foam is less dense (means it rips easier) the atoms grips are uuber thin, thinner than montys (same as rockman thins) if you like thin grips and max bar feel then the atomz are pretty sweet, they are fairly dense material too. The rockman fats are identical to try-all grips although I feel they could be slightly dencer as mine dont seem to rip as much as try-alls did.
  5. halfords foam grip stuff is truly aweful! they are so fat and so soft when you hold them they squash and you can feel the actual bar....I would seriously rather not have grips than those! My grips of choice are rockman fats, lovley.
  6. I reccomend rockpad vee pads, the compound is ace and the thread section is heat treated, ( have had some problems with heatsink backings stripping)
  7. people always overlook the Base TA26 frames. They are AWESOME for street stuff, iolo had one with slick tyres and no brakes, it was sooooo fun! Plus the frames are dirt cheap, so if you didnt like it then it didnt bust the bank.
  8. way ahead of you! at the quarry there are a few ponds, some REALLY deep and a couple only a ft or two deep. The plan is to have a mix of man made and rocks in the shallow pond and make a feature out of it. I like the drawing lol
  9. gave him a cd with the coust scoop vid on tyres, nice, will have to see about how fire retardent they are.
  10. not sure, possibly from 10am onwards...I'll confirm before hand
  11. another update. Ian Johnson a possible contracted trail builder (built a shed load of trails in wales, scotland and other places) just came round to mine to discuss building of the trials side of the quarry. Basicly, he can do pretty much anything I (we) want. he can import tons of granit, limestone and other boulders and put them exactly where they need to be, he can re shape the small hills and slopes in the quarry, insert concrete pipes into bankings, make ditches......what I am saying is he has (well, his company) an arsnel of earth moving machines, even helicoptors if needed. impressive! I have given him some ideas on what I would like to see in the quarry, shown him some vids of uci world rounds, vids from trials parks and also a few pictures. He also came up with some ideas (rails with grippy coating, motorway barriors (the metal curvy ones) and others. What I want is everyone to tell me what they personally would like to see there, prefrebly not burnable (pallets, railway sleepers) and the cheaper the better. Some photos, vids or diagrams would go down well too. I am off up to the quarry on sat with Ian to actually walk the quarry and physicly show what areas I would like to use. If your free then your more than welcome to come up too.
  12. lucky guy, I rode that bike when matt had it, its one of the nicest riding bikes I have been on!
  13. I dont like the TP, looks like a skooter not a mtb LE gets my vote, shame the bb is too high
  14. Ali C


    indeed the monty is good, however we have sold hundreds of tensile freewheels at tartybikes and I can count the amount of problems people have had with them on one hand. admittingly, I dont think I have heard of anyone having any problems with the montys, but they havnt been out as long as the tensiles.
  15. Ali C

    Echo Pures 07

    I noticed my czar to be noticably stiffer, but we also built an echo at work for a customer and had a blast on that and it felt pretty stiff. The main thing that put me off was the bottom bracket hight, its just over my limit and I couldnt get used to it in the short time I used it.
  16. tempted by 16-14 17-15 and at the moment I am running 18-16 but I may try a 15 on the back and see how it feels (used to in the past!)
  17. yeah, used a pro 2 hub for yonks, loved it but it is a tad heavy. Not touching a try-all freewheel, ENOs are faaaaaar better
  18. I dont want to turn it down to be a bash guard, I dont think the freewheel would last long then. I just thought it would make the outer shell stronger then only having the one chainring.
  19. been washing up actually, my hands are like prunes now! must buy some washing up gloves!!
  20. hmm, it is a risky place to be bodging, people will be trying to get over 100 engagment points next!! , I guess I'll stick to 18 teeths.
  21. thought about 24"? seems like it fills all your needs. Of course I reccomed an Inspired Fourplay, I have ridden a few 24" bikes and its by far the nicest. Otherwise I would seriously consider a base, they are sooo underated.
  22. seeing as I am on a friends computer and dont have msn I cant ask my smart msn buddies this question, so I'll put it to the masses (and risk embarasment ) I have a White Industries ENO trials freewheel on my bike. I fancy trying a 16 or 17 tooth cog on the front though to get a preffered gear (and a tad more clearence). I have seen you can get ENO freewheels with two cogs, either 16-18 or 17-19. my question is this....... Would those standard ENO freewheels outers be compatable with a trials one (my understanding is they are the same minus some strengening). If it does fit, my plan is to pop the the two cog outer shell on a lathe and turn down the bigger cog into a stump, I feel having the extra ring of the other cog should strengthen the outer shell quite a lot. Any thoughts? Obviously I want to be sure it would work before I spend my cash on it. badgers Al
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