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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. Slate type stuff, the whole quarry is a fossilised river bed, so the rock is sedimentary and can be made into flat sheets like slate. *interesting fact! rock from this quarry is used in Trafalgar Square.
  2. if you select "send a quote" instead of the normal checkout then it will automaticly take VAT off, we check the quotes throughout the day and respond asap! I use Wiggle and CRC a lot for non trialsy stuff.
  3. get someone to weld (tack) a bolt or nut on and then just undo with a spanner. Thats a last resort anyways.
  4. you think I would put down a surface that wouldn't be good for riding on? Wooden sleepers are for cheapskates, concrete is where its at
  5. sand would just be the bottom layer, then there would be gravel/grit/rock whatever and hard packed. Kinda like a canal towpath I imagine.
  6. Not sure what drainage will be possible down there, the floor is solid rock. We'll either make a barrier or put down gravle/sand flooring. might even put rocks in the wettest parts for runups. Either way, its never as wet as it is in the pic! its been REALLY wet up here.
  7. just bumping the topic really. I am in the process of designing each area to calculate how much stuff we'll need. Heres a nice pic of the "pit" part of the quarry, its a bit wet in this pic, going to have some awesome rocks and tubes in the pond and tons more on the rock floor behind it. The pit if bigger than it looks! the rocks down there are all van size.
  8. Ali C


    From the album: Ali C's

    lee mill quarry pit
  9. crysis was too short and too easy, but I love the gameplay and graphics (shooting trees down is awesome) Far cry still stands as the best game I ever owned!
  10. they are a + 30 mount meaning you'll need a 160 caliper and a 190 rotor
  11. I find a nice pair of branded shorts makes you look like vince, gilles and co.
  12. Ali C


    Lol, I didnt read it in a cocky wanker way dude, I really am in my own little world! Anyway, off riding now
  13. Ali C


    dont have a tv and dont listen to the radio or read papers. I am in my own little world!
  14. the hub doesnt have a conventional axle, it only has two end caps that support the bearing, when you do up your quick release that acts as the axle. Its a weight saving design. if you put bolts in, the wheel would wobble all over the shop in your forks (plus the end caps would just spin with the bolt as you tightened it.
  15. not without making a custom axle
  16. built one for a customer at tartybikes the other day, had a quick spin to make sure it was working right and it felt pretty good, from looking and riding them I wouldnt change anything unless they broke. they are pretty cool little bikes.
  17. Ali C


    I used to do boxing, purly for the fitness. I dont care for boxing at all! lol, I have no idea who the two blokes fighting are either.
  18. Ali C

    Bt Raven 8.0

    dont like it at all I hate mega bent top tubes, straight would look far nicer.
  19. it was an exiting draw. I hope the winner enjoys his bike.
  20. I know what the winning number is, I feel so importants. Adam will let you know in due course
  21. well, mine was the tarty communal bike, I will get my own personal one built up when the next batch is in...will have that seat on it though!
  22. VERY nice bike. As for seats. I have a Simtra dirt jump one on mine (ask adam or dave) and I would rather have it than any other seat right now! its a PERFECT size, nice weight and pretty comfy. Well worth getting. see it here
  23. for comp riding its either a grind or a disk, theres no alternatives.
  24. welding up a tarty shopping trolley just for the winner will be like super market sweep almost I am looking forward to seeing who wins and helping build the bike when they come.
  25. good stuff! cant wait!
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