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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. Ali C


    From the album: Ali C's

  2. Ali C

    Dirt 71

    I think he is riding along the top of that rock (flatish) and doing a tyre tap then landing back on the flatish rock. am I close?
  3. insurance I think is around £1000, I wont be getting that untill march though, so no driving it until then (get my 3 years no claims) Tax, not sure mpg, not sure, heard 35-40 for a turbo and more for a standard one. I will get it re mapped to get the most out of it.
  4. update! Bought one!! cost £2150, looks pretty sweet! This is my first time buying a car without seeing it first, and its the most I have spent on one, feels a little weird! anyway, here it is ebay I plan to pimp it out over time, maybe spray it black and get some tartybikes logos on it. I will get some nicer seats, carpet the inside (lino the floor for dirty bikes), put some sort of folding bed system in, maybe lower it 30-45mm, tint the windows, get a minimal spoiler, some nice alloys ect. I will add a turbo and get it tuned, maybe 170 bhp in the end. Any thoughts?
  5. Ali C

    Cheers Martyn

    yes and yes Nothings set for sponsors next year yet, but I am in talks.
  6. cool, given me a lot to think about. I still want a vw as I think they make cars really well and they tend to last (unlike my crappy peugeot electrics). I'll have a look into some transits, but I dont want anything bigger than a transporter, got lots of tight roads around here and I recken I would scratch it pretty quickly.
  7. seen a few transporters, average for a non bashed panel van seems to be 3-5k, this is the only one I have seen thats actually good looking for less than £3000. also, I can afford £2000 ish for the car (budgeting insurance) but theres no way I can afford £6000 for a nicer one
  8. I REALLLY want a VW Transporter. have been looking for one for a while now and found this on ebay ebay It pretty ticks all my boxes. *Transporter *1.9 (tdi I presume, emailed him) *local *within my budget *tow bar *good sound system *alloys *lowered *tinted windows *spoiler *basicly pimped out ready for me to sticker up and cruise around the UK and Europe to compete. I plan to make it into a camper style, just a simple bed system in the back to take 2-3 people. I was planning to buy a panel van and pimp it up, but thats more exspensive than buying this one. The only bad points are thats its old and has reasonably high millage. What are your thoughts?
  9. Ok, some people may have noticed I havn't actually ridden an Ashton frame for a while. this was due to me breaking my first proto and the 2nd batch taking a long time to get here. I am now currently ranked 14 in the world (UCI) and I have had offers from some other companies. I feel Its time to move on from Ashton Bikes and persue other goals. I want to take this time to Thank Martyn Ashton for his support during the last few years, its always been a dream of mine to ride for Martyn and follow in the steps of Eddie Tongue, Akkers and Holroyd, they have been my idols from the start and I feel privaliged that Martyn Wanted me on his team. I enjoyed myself on the team and riding the justice, I hope my comp results and personality helped in Martyns frame sales andcompany image. I wish Martyn all the best with his riding and Ashton Bikes, I am sure we'll see some good products out in the future.
  10. it seems to have more than enough spring.
  11. just made mine by bodging the slider off a 74 kings and cutting a sheet of 1.8mm carbon. The carbon is held in place by the hub bolt and is pushed against the chain, the 74 kings part flexes creating a sprung tensioner. I made the carbon the shape to stay within the frame as much as poss. Its REALLY stiff carbon, so I have no bending or strengh worries. The whole thing weighs 14g. *needs the main hub mount drilling to 10mm before anyone says. I'll get a pic when its on the bike (if it works)
  12. Ali C

    home made tensioner

    From the album: Ali C's

  13. hmmm, but there's light and there's practical. Saving a couple of hunded grams on a tyre will make the bike nice and light and flicky, but if it doesnt grip then you cant take advantage of that.
  14. not been on a group ride for sooooo long and I have always wanted to ride Brum. I had a good time, was nice to put some faces to names off here or through work. Brum has some cool spots, I REALLY want that statue line shame the renta cops didnt like us
  15. yep, its not massive. Could do it to back wheel before my leg was in cast, now I can only just have it to both wheels
  16. Me and Ali are both coming Stan on Ali's account Ali's a basher!
  17. Only about 43", my sidehops are rubbish after 10 weeks off the bike, been trying to get the tuck though
  18. REALLY good pics adam! Stan was a beast and dans hooks were spot on! That tuck on the sidehop is funny, its only around 43", my sidehops are rubish now lol!
  19. did he break your foot wayne? Was it painful? I agree that Si is great, when I ripped the ligament in my ankle he was straight on the case and had me in a cast, great stuff! You are going to get REALLY frustrated! I amonly just back on my bike after around 10weeks off! It was worth it though as my ankle feels as good as newnow!
  20. not a specific dh course,but xc routs with red/black graded steeps and jumps.
  21. YES! As for camping, I dont think they will be activly advertising at the quarry, but I am sure that wont stop people from doing it anyway (they do it now). I agree though, camping up there would be awesome. There are campsites within riding distance anyway.
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