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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. my hotel is fully booked I am afraid
  2. I'm there, going in my van with beds in the back, no more camping in an uncomfy sleeping bag and floor mat full of sand!
  3. Thos benches are handy, I have one and its already paid for itself! However, those weights are nowhere near as good as amore exspensive set. My bar cost me £60 (cheapest decent bar I could find) it alone weighs 20kg so that means I need fewer weights which takes up less room and the bar is built to last. I also bought 140kg of weights for just over £100, they are nice one peice steel jobs, wont break and I can adjust the weight in small incraments.
  4. if that vid impressed me that much, then I would probably faint if I saw that in real life! Scott, when are you going to ride with him? I am interested
  5. Ali C


    I'll try and get some pics your way. I am not wanting to sell till feb/march though as I need it untill my van is painted
  6. Ali C


    buy my 306 td! They are REALLY good cars, engines are mint and they are fairly nippy. They also fit a lot in, I can throw in two stocks without taking any wheels off. Electrics are a bit dodge as people say, my clock doesnt work, rear screen heater, cig lighter and rev counter. I would reccomend one though.
  7. Ali C


    doubt I could do it, I am crap at riding skinny stuff!
  8. the 08 forks are the same as the 07 ones, bar the mod urbans and choice of black or sliver lites. So is my understanding anyway.
  9. I'm out. Weather is shit (meant to be ok in leeds though). The main reason I am not going is that today is the busiest shopping day of the year! its bad enough in leeds on a normal day. I also dont like leeds very much anyway.
  10. sweet, making some nice shapes
  11. hence the fact I said its not cheating, grippy tyres, good brakes, small frames could all be classed as cheating. I couldnt describe my reasoning another way, when I ride mod, its almost too easy to move around and chuck about, I get a better feeling knowing I am doing it on a big bike and could do it on a smaller bike if I wished rather than the other way round. I also like 26" for rolling up stuff
  12. IF I go, it will be the 11 train in hebden. anyone got a spoke key?
  13. I have owned both 20" and 26" and I prefer 26" by a LOOOONG way! I seriously think 20" are for kids (or just really short people) and once you have grown up then 26" are for adults. Obviously most people might not agree with me, but 20" bikes were origionally made for kids to learn skills before making the leap to mototrials. Theres also the thinking that a bigger heavier bike to learn on will teach you more about body position and weight movment in a year than a 20" would in two years. I personally found 20" to be uninspiring and boring. Sure you can gap large, sidehop big but when I landed I never got the satisfying feeling I get on a 26", maybe its because I feel 20" is almost cheating (I know its not, but thats the only way I can explain it) and that just took the good feeling away.
  14. will be on my shed I'll probably train it.
  15. might go, not sure wether to catch a train or drive there.
  16. I got a nice warm fleesy top, a frenchurch hoody (very nice) some socks (old mans prezzie lol) £20 and a book of Bunny suicides.
  17. cheers for the advice, its a wee bit late now though I bought my friends gasgas txt 125 a couple of weeks back. Last week I just spent £2000 on a new (to me) van....so a dh bike is out of the question now lol
  18. I really dont like those frames!
  19. REALLY NICE!! Love the stan one and sunset one!
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