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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. no pics sorry, the one of my bike below it was taken a week later with a new rim. I dont fancy trying it again really.
  2. I turned some nylon on a lathe, they were a push fit (with a hammer) and I also put some super glue in there too.......nearly a year and no problems yet.
  3. I am afraid the carpark will be at the bottom, its to stop risks of colliding with mental xc and dh riders whizzing down the track, plus the houses up there dont want the extra traffic. To get a proper carpark up there would require a cattle grid and hundreds of meters of new fencing, thats money being taken from the courses.
  4. no idea, but it was fugly as uck!
  5. music was too loud....cant hear.....time?............dam DJ (was pretty good though). Was a hard comp, but very fun, Gilles is a monster, I need to train, had a great time. Well done to all chaps!
  6. nice thread In order of old-new I have had: Gt avalanche (no pics) Pashley 26mhz (some pictures in the house somwhere) merlin dual frame (no pics) monty x lite 20" (maaaay be some pics on an old site of comp results or somthing) monty x lite 20" (again, possibly some pics somwhere online) monty x lite 26" (before drop) after drop monty urban (some pics on my other computer) echo pure (some pics on my other computer) Global Ti (I loved this bike! shame it was as flexy as a banana) Global mk2 (will find some pics) Echo Hifi (hated that bike!) Echo Control short Echo control long (pics on other computer) Ashton justice (plenty of pics on other computer, looking pretty wragged!) MBK T1000 (again pics on other computer) Ashton proto (pics on here somwhere and on my other computer) Simtra ST1 (on other computer) Inspired Fourplay (adam might have some pics) CZAR (pics on here somwhere) I have probably forgotton a couple, if I remember I'll post them. I'll try and upload what pics I can.
  7. work has started on the xc routs, they are being flagged out and foundations set before trials stuff really kicks off so that we dont put any big rocks or pipes right where some xc dude will be blasting through. Some objects have been bought (concrete railway sleepers, 50 for now) and we are due to visit some quarries and pick out what rocks we want. They are also getting nearer buying or collecting concrete and logs. After the UCI in Belgium I have some more ideas of sections
  8. Ali C

    New Tra Hd Video

    that was minty bobs! I really liked them.
  9. eh, how did I deserve that? I wished you good luck in finding a zero rake fork and I want to know how it will feel. Although I am preeeeeety sure I wont be wanting one
  10. I think your making a mountain out of a mole hill. If it was a well known problem then it would have been fixed before surly? I dont think the problem you are explaining isnt somthing that can be fixed by just riding and learning how to deal with it. On the other hand, when frames were zero bb (or below) someone must have thought that was a problem and decided to raise the bb by a few mm, people might have said he was crazy but it turned out to be a good step forward. I still think your trying to fix somthing thats not broken, but good luck finding someone to make a fork and I am sure we will all be interested in the outcome.
  11. look really fat, like they would be hard to fit to a bike without being at a stupid angle. I recken those leverblades would bend just from pulling (I have done it to some avids doing taps and hooks)
  12. Ali C


    From the album: Ali C's

  13. Ali C


    From the album: Ali C's

  14. ahh, just clicked your link, didnt realise you were talking about the new one, I was on about the T1000. Ignore my comments as I havn't ridden the new one
  15. I had one. It was ok, good on the back wheel and good bash clearence. The frame is pretty flexy though and I found it too long, I didnt really enjoy it as much as other bikes I have had it felt almost boring. I am loving my czar however, stiffer, nicer geo and is gret fun to ride.
  16. love it, they ride really nicley, good stuff
  17. the kmc k810 gets my vote (the thinner of the kmcs) It's the same strength as the fatter k710 as the plates are all the same thickness, only the pins are shorter on the k810.
  18. I like chickens, but not the taste, I never buy them anyway. Iolo and myself want 4 chickens as pets though
  19. looks nice!! Orange isnt my fave colour, but it seems good on your bike. (I want proof on weight though , stans is a lighter build and still weighs more)
  20. great pictures adam! Was a really good ride. and yes, I do need a shave!
  21. we recently got in ty-all cages.
  22. I am currently useing a dmr redshift tyre. Its 2.25 and is the same weight as a try-all and is a soft 42A compound (like maxxis). I am really impressed with it! seems to grip as well as my maxxis does. Silly light too for the size! Bargain price as wel. just placed an order to get some in at tart today.
  23. transporter LWB, going to be pretty pimp by then
  24. Ali C

    Street 26" Frame

    you have pretty much just told the geo of a base ta26. they are GREAT streety frames!
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