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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. bad enough for me to never do another international BIU comp
  2. My Brake is "The One", and when I put it on it was the most powerful brake I have ever had! But like you said, the pads get glazed or somthing and the power went down. Never botherd putting any other pads in, it still works pretty well.
  3. Ali C


    tilting the bars back will make poping the front end up easier EG bunnyhops and manuals. It will also help with moves like roll downs and generally make rolling about on both wheels feel better. Tilting the bars forwards makes it easier on the back wheel, but makes it sketchier on both wheels or doing front wheel moves and riding at speed.....generally it makes your bike like a pogo stick and crap for everything else. I pesonally run my bars a little back from vertical, nothing nuts but enough to make a difference. I did have my bars slightly forwards for a week or two, thought it was a bit weird but as soon as I put my bars back again my riding was a LOT better! Having the bars forwards makes you poke your elbows out, putting your body in a less efficiant position.
  4. as title really, I have a 2001 vito, 3 years no claims and no points on my license. Rob poyzer managed to find a company (budget?) that got him down to £500 fully comp, but I cant seem to find the company. Anyone had any luck with other companies?
  5. Ali C


    I have heard (true or not) that arm pump is muscles contracting and stopping the low of blood to the hand (or was it nerve signals?) either way, the understanding I got that once you start getting armp pump then more muscle = more arm pump. Try a change in diet, or take some asprins as they thin the blood, thinner grips help too.
  6. Ali C


    I have suffered from arm pump all my 9 years of riding, I have tried everything to get rid of it! Nothing worked apart from one thing, then it just dissapeared completley! The best thing I ever did to reduce arm pump was to use a vee brake! Thats also the main reason I still use one now. You can set up a vee with VERY little spring tension to give a smoother lighter pull than a maggie, also a vee has more hold than a maggie so you don't need to pull quite so hard.
  7. I went to your garden the other day, didn't have my bike though, shame as it looked VERY good to ride, obviously evolved over time to give good training for every move, from the pics your obviously pretty handy at taming it! Nice pics from Ash too! I hope to see more. on anothe note, I am good friends with the butlers and I cant think of many friendlier people!
  8. I have one spare seat if anyone wants a lift, would need to be in a fairly easy location to pick up from though
  9. I had twin hope disks on my pashley (8 years ago!) and I ripped the hose out in a crash. I took it to my lbs (cycle grear in halifax at the time) and they bled both brakes for me (rear brake was fine though:() they bled them so that the levers only moved 5mm before biting......I couldnt use them properly and did badly in my comp I had the next day. Ohwell
  10. nice one, looks pro How much did that cost?
  11. I heard a lot snapped, never saw one though
  12. no storm up here, just a little wet (no difference there ) the storm was pretty much all down south and totally bigged up by the news, didnt look too bad from what I saw on tv (not to say it looked pleasant either!) I didnt notice the earthquake at all! I am annoyed by that
  13. yeah, I heard a lot of those snapping, not so the rear cogs though!
  14. trials is NEVER boring Admittingly, I dont ride the indoor area as much as I should, once my van is sorted, Adam wont be able to keep me out!
  15. drilled sprockets are fine, I have had mine on for 8 months now and its done a grand job!
  16. yep, deffinatly a "when". Been up today, unfortunately not much has happened since I was last up, they are short staffed at the moment (just 3 people working up there!) and the men in suits are fussing that the xc routs arn't getting made fast enough, so it looks like there could be a delay in the grand opening On a brighter note, a few lorry loads of contrete stuff should be here next week!
  17. I can give you a lift pat! would be cool if you came, need someone else to chat to on the journey. GET THE TIME!
  18. the bike would be classed as an extra passenger and would be charged petrol and ferry costs at the same rate
  19. maaaay have another space in my van for one more person. Any takers? Ideally would need to be collected on the m6 or m1 (towards dover) as far north as possible. Setting off very early monday 24th morning
  20. cant say that bothered me at all I often spray my hands when doing my car, it feels nice, would have liked sound though! I wonder if she put the wax setting on dirt would bounce off the kid?
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