I also find shimano arms to work better than ultimates. They are also thinner, meaning you can put your adaptors in closer and have more booster choice. I have heatsink adaptors, I have joined the three holes into one slot, that way I can fine tune where the brakes are. I also found that a booster is VITAL, without one you get lots of bite, but not much hold, with one the hold is just incredible! but bite is scarificed a tad. Pads also make a big difference, I have tried sooo many pads. What I have found is that just because some work well in a magura doesnt mean they will work well in a vee. I swear by harder compound pads (like my joypads at 90A (koxx browns are mid 80A compound)). If you dont like how your pads are high in the adjustment slot, you can just wind on some speed dial adjustment in avid levers, makes the same effect as the pads being lower.