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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. onza adaptors are cheaper I still think a vee feels nicer
  2. I also find shimano arms to work better than ultimates. They are also thinner, meaning you can put your adaptors in closer and have more booster choice. I have heatsink adaptors, I have joined the three holes into one slot, that way I can fine tune where the brakes are. I also found that a booster is VITAL, without one you get lots of bite, but not much hold, with one the hold is just incredible! but bite is scarificed a tad. Pads also make a big difference, I have tried sooo many pads. What I have found is that just because some work well in a magura doesnt mean they will work well in a vee. I swear by harder compound pads (like my joypads at 90A (koxx browns are mid 80A compound)). If you dont like how your pads are high in the adjustment slot, you can just wind on some speed dial adjustment in avid levers, makes the same effect as the pads being lower.
  3. cant remember when I joined, it was before the crash though, kept the same name throghout
  4. I wanted to go today, but Iolo worked on his car instead ( ) and I don't know the way. Will deffo go down after work during the week though, should be on my new bike too.
  5. iolo has it in his magura, been in since June, been fine so far, even after we topped it up with some 2 stroke oil when he hit his caliper and loosened the 8mm nut
  6. diesel is fine water is fine most "pros" use water get a vee.
  7. If I don't go bmxing then I'll go up.
  8. deffo! I maaay be interested in training for the olympics 2012 heh heh, got 4 years to train RAAARRR
  9. some look cool, not as convinced by other parts (cranks, stem, etc) look forward to seeing them in the flesh though.
  10. Did Dh for a year or so, had an orange patriot but it got stolen , I entered one comp, came 10th after falling off, was 5 seconds off the fastest time of the day even with the crash
  11. cool pics Ads, my legs are sore lol, that tracks ace! Cant wait till I get my bike!
  12. not heard of any leaking problems for a while now! I think there was a tiny amount of swarf in the origional Echo bodies (tiny amount!) that just upset the seals a tad. I beleive they are now cleaned more before assembly and it seems to have solved the issues.
  13. haha, yeah, a copper gave us all yellow cards ........ahhh, memories
  14. cool pics sam, impressive moves, I am jelous of you moto skills too Funny though, I recognise that wall you are going up to front on, I either rode there or drove past it....where in wales is it?
  15. Ali C

    This A Scam..

    I got the same email from a different person about a laptop. I just replied "thats a shame"
  16. if you choose to learn on natural, you will learn much better core skills and improve your overall riding skills.
  17. wish I had seen this sooner, I am only 15 mins away so would have joined you. Glad you liked it though, should be even better once its completley finnished!!
  18. Ali C (Alastair Clarkson) Dorothy Clarkson Ian Clarkson Robert Clarkson Anna Clarkson Tansycatpheobulacyclarksonpussycat
  19. interesting fact!! Iolo coined up the "TGS" phrase with myself and Spunkey Monkey Tom in Sheffield a few years ago. We were riding with some street riders who (seriously) only did taps, gaps and sidehops all day. Thats where the saying comes from. PS, TGS is fine, I do it all the time! Where it goes wrong is the constant videos of new riders who might as well have bought pogo sticks from argos for half the price! hop hop bounce!
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