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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. got all this stuff in today, not had time to unpack it yet but I am pretty impressed with a few parts...the forks are soooo light! Frames look cool (except the pyhon, ming machine lol).
  2. lol, trust people to be filming on a bad day. still respect that first crash!
  3. bens arse vid?? Wasn't a fan of the vid sorry, music was.....noisy and most clips were of moves he didn't make. Seems to be running before he can walk. Crash was funny though, the lads very bendy!
  4. Try Trialsman for the stickers though as they are the importers.
  5. I don't mind shaped tubes, but as long as they are straight rather than curvy (think hydroxx frame) then I am happy. I know what you mean about xc, marins, nomads, yeti, intense all make swoopy frames.....I think they all look gash! I think Nicolai make the best looking frames ever, no curved tubes in sight!
  6. looks like a dolphin with a spinal deformation
  7. am I the only one who really REALLY REALLY doesn't like looks of the swoopy hydroformed frame?? I stand by my thoughts that straight tubes look truly sexy!!
  8. for me...stiff brakes = arm pump.....softer brakes = happy times.
  9. in my experience the brakes flex in an arc around the tube. The only way I can see that being solved is with a booster on top as the brake can still flex with a booster under (I have tried it)
  10. trialtech have by far the nicest shape.
  11. Ali C

    Sept 11th

    sounds reasonable. I still think it was the Gophers though.
  12. Ali C

    Sept 11th

    bit of a difference between a small fighter and a multi engined passenger plane, also I bet the passenger plane was going slower that 500mph PS I meant Pentagon, but I prefer Hexagon sounds more.....Devilish!!!! PPS, I am neither here nor there when it comes to conspiracies on 11/9, some are just plain stupid, but others are a bit weird..some are even Gophers.
  13. I knows that but its a shit way of doing things lol
  14. I like to Right click/ copy/ paste. But I am on a crappy Mac and it doesn't have a right mouse button
  15. I do like to hit stuff A lot depends on the headset, I know hopes have a really tight rubber seal that can be a git to get off, but cane creek headsets usually allow the fork to fall out with a whack. Infact, I have found 90% of headsets will let the fork come out with a single hard hit. The others (as you have found) need hitting, then a little prying to remove the forks. As much as our advice didn't seem to help, it wasn't bad advice, just this one time it didn't work. (It wouldn't damage anything to hit it as long as you used a soft bit of wood or mallet)
  16. cheers, sorry, but I just don't have the time to be making pads but I did find the best way to cut them by hand was with a brand new Stanly (box cutter) knife, a pen and ruler and some slightly soapy water as lube. A vice helps as well, but I have managed without. I also use a belt sander to get the braking surface perfectly flat afterwards.
  17. Ali C

    Sept 11th

    1) That reporter was in the middle of a confusing situation, she just reads whats in front of here....The firefighters trying to save the building all evacuated as they feared it would collapse...chinese whispers ect ect. 2) I don't believe it had exsplosives in the building. The air pressure from the building above crashing down would be more than enough to blow windows out (as seen in the videos of the collapse) 3) Did you see the back of tower 7? there was hardly anything left! One of the falling Twin Towers pretty much fell on Tower 7 damaging it beyond repair and setting it ablaze with jet fuel. Saying that, there are some pretty dodgy things. The Hexagen...no plane wreckage found, a nice neat hole through layers of re-enforced concrete and goverment agents seizing cctv footage from the building across the road.
  18. I thought they were internal too
  19. really enjoyed watching that!!
  20. dontgettit? I did do a trackstand for an hour once, possibly the most boring record?
  21. I would love to enter, but I really don't think anything I can do would be a world record
  22. but having the brake higher produces flex.
  23. the adaptors do look cool BUT they look very tall! My goal has always been to get the brake as close to the frame as possible, less flex and looks much nicer (I always get the piss taken for having "scaffolding" on the back of my bike ) Also, am I the only one who doesn't have a problem with the mounts lower than the 4 bolts? sure the pads near the top of the slot but I can just wind the speed dial adjuster on my avid lever to bring the leverage back to normal.
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